Bonus Chapter.

774 45 43

—First Person POV.—

It's been months since the ghost of Izuku opened a door to who-knows-where in his living room and disappeared into it.

Though the truth is clear, I can't help but visit his house every now and then—not because I believe he'll magically be there one night, but to stare at it's ruins of broken wood and charred oak, left for anyone passing by to ignore.

The people of this town know about his torn down place but no one bothers to do anything about the excess mess left behind. Instead, they just leave it alone and I can't really tell if that annoys or calms me.

Denki and Mr.Aizawa had scoured the mess when I was admitted to the hospital, alerting me afterwards that his place was empty—leaving nothing but dust and remnants of ashes behind.

Even after all this time, I can't help but return to just stare at the spot his house used to be in—sitting atop my moms car and just looking up, imagining and remembering the similar nights I would come and we'd just stare at each other through the windows.

The silence adds to the memories.

After catching on to my habits, my friends have made it practically routine to remind me that Izuku sacrificed himself so that I could live—not walk around half dead.

They want me to move on.

And I know they're right but a part of me is also stubbornly aware that no other living boy can compare to the dead one I had so insanely fallen in love with.

I sigh, puffing some air through my slightly parted lips—a tune starting to play across the cool night wind in a sweet melody.

One of my hands gripped the flashlight while the other was stuffed into my pocket, my fingers grazing over my knifes handle.

A sound.

"What was that?" Denki wonders, a few seconds after Jirou had turned in the direction of the noise.

My eyes flickered to the left as well when the bush rustled, the wind licking the leaves and causing the noise.

Denki is quick to shine his flashlight in the direction and I follow suit, tilting my light the same way—it's yellowish rays glossing over the now seemingly silent bush.

"Maybe a ghost." I joke, pointing my light upwards to cast onto my features as I continue to make 'oooo~' noises—looking to freak the poor blonde out further.

I let out a chuckle as Denki smacks a hand onto my light, the taller boy shaking his head as he pushed me away "(Y/n), stop, this is like the fourth time man!" He complains.

I wipe his palm off if my poor flashlight—freeing its rays and trying my best to hide my smile as I shrug.

"Fine, fine." I roll my eyes, flashing my light to the trees behind him—my eyes widen in shock, a gasp escaping my lips "Holy shit! What's that behind you?!" I call and the boy jumps in alert, a scream echoing through the woods as he runs to me.

"What?! What's behind me?!" He shouts, reaching into my bag and yanking out a book before pointing it in the direction of the 'threat.'

We both fall silent as his attention catches onto the tree, a snicker fighting to escape my throat as I tried my best to keep my eyes ahead while he dealt with the realization.

"N-Nice weapon, Denki." I sputter out, holding my breath to not laugh—but it was all in vain as he drops the book and grabs my shoulders, now shaking me.

"You jerk!!" He exclaims "You're just bullying me to hide that you're scared too!" The taller boy claims while I'm in hysterics, his reaction from earlier replaying in my mind over and over again.

Ashes of the Deceived. (Izuku Midoriya x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now