People Who Have To "One Up" Each Other

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Alright, so, we all know a person like this.

"Oh my goodness, I got a B+ on that test! I was so scared that I was going to fail."

"Oh yeah? Well, I got an A+, and the bonus!"

Alright, good for you.
If it's a one time thing, I get it.

But when it's every time someone has something good going on in their lives, the second person thinks,

"Er nur, the attention is off of me!
I'd better fix that, since I can't let others be happy!"


Or it's backwards, and, any time there's something bad going on, they have to have it worse.

"I'm really sad because my fish died."

"Oh yeah? You think you've got it bad? Well my dog got hit by a semi truck."

"I don't feel well; my doctor said that I might have the flu."

"Oh? Well, my grandma died from the bubonic plague!"

"I got in a fight with my sister, and now she won't talk to me."

"Oh yeah? Well, I have ebola!"

(I might have exaggerated that a tad, but you get my point).

And you know the most annoying part?

At times, there's actually nothing wrong with them.
Their dog really didn't get hit by a semi.
Their aunt really didn't die from the bubonic plague.
They really don't have ebola.
They just want attention.

So, my question still stands.

Can. You. Not.

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