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And that seems like a normal irritation to have, but mine is so deep seeded it might as well be a damned full grown tree of anger by now.

So, as an example, I was told by a trusted human in regards to LGBT+ things that they were supportive. Being apart of the LGBT+ community, (specifically the +) it is extremely hard to come out all on its own. Being a part of the "new wave" of terms as I've seen it called is especially hard. Not only will 'normal' people ridicule you, but fellow OTHER LGBT+ humans will also do this!
Not to say they ALL will, but I myself have seen it happen.
Being within that fun little plus sign, I was excited. Yay, a human that will accept me!
D E A D W R O N G.
I very recently publically came out as demisexual (demigrey, specifically).
Not even ten minutes later, this friend made a huge ass post about how our generation makes up sexualities and how asexuality (where I fall) isn't legitimate.
But they're totally supportive, right?

Another would be my friend stating that she is NOT racist, whatsoever, because she has a few black friends.
I mean, I don't really get that, but okay. You do you.
And then, a few weeks ago, she stated that she felt mixed racial relationships were gross. Specifically a black person and a white person dating.
Im sorry, have you seen the definition of what you claim not to be?
Don't get me wrong, Im no saint.
There's one kid that was in my class that we (WITH HIS CONSENT) called Asian *insert name* because there were two guys with the same name. Yes, Asian is a broad term. It was simply to differentiate who was being talked about.

To paraphrase, don't say you support LGBT+ people and then shame them.
Don't state you're not racist and then shame someone in a biracial relationship.
Don't say you support a trans/nonbinary person and then not try to use their pronouns because you're "uncomfortable".
Don't say you're supportive if you know you're not going to be.
It's REALLY not that hard.

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