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"Do we really have to move?" Sighed Natasha.

"Don't start with me, Tasha. Pick up your bags and wait in the car. Make sure you have everything you need." Told her mother.

Natasha had to move to Brunei since her father have a new business venture there. She hated the thought of moving and starting new. She made a lot of friends here, at home. The thought of leaving everything here saddens her. Natasha even bargains with her parents that she will be a good girl and stay with her grandparents however her parents were against the idea. Days were getting closer and here she is, getting ready to start a new life in Brunei. All of her friends were waiting for her at the airport to bid their final goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you, babe. Promise me to call me every single day and tell me everything." Said Melissa, Natasha's best friend.

"I'm going to miss you too. I promise. Take care of yourself." Hugged Natasha.

This is it, Natasha finally flying off. She sat on her designated seat and look out at the window. She took one last glance at the sight she once called home as her plane slowly take off. She rests her head to the back of her seat and sighed. Natasha closes her eyes as her emotions were getting too overwhelmed.

Natasha was in awe at how huge and beautiful her new home is. Everyone walks into their house taking in the mesmerising view before settling. She has 2 days left before school officially starts and her parents have decided to visit the famous Empire Hotel for them to wind down and relax. The next day, everyone took their spot by the pool. Natasha's mum was busy sun tanning and her father was busy on his laptop. Her siblings were having in the pool while she decided to take a walk by the pool that then leads to the open beach. As she was walking, she walked past a group of boys. There were laughing and having fun. One particular boy was staring at her but she ignores him and continue walking.

"Woah. My man got turned down." laughed Raziq.

"Shut up." Said Wakeel.

Natasha was transferred to one of the most prestigious schools in Brunei, Jerudong International School. On her first day of school, everyone instantly knew she's a new student in school since no one has seen her around before. Her beauty was an exception it also caught everyone's attention, especially Wakeel. Natasha instantly became the talk of the town.

"Good morning, class. Let's meet your new classmate, Natasha." Said the classroom teacher.

"Introduce yourself."

"Hello, I'm Natasha." Smiled Natasha.

Wakeel who was talking with his friends and joking around, stop and look at Natasha. Her beauty was mesmerising and he instantly recognise the girl from the Empire Hotel the other day. Raziq nudges over to Wakeel and whispered, "Isn't she the girl who ignored you." Wakeel simply rolls his eyes. Natasha scanned the classroom and recognise some of the boys from the other day.

"Alright, class. Since it's the new semester, we are going to change seating partners like always. Please follow the new seating plan." Told the classroom teacher. Everyone groans.

"Natasha, you can take a seat next to Wakeel. Wakeel, please raise your hand." Said the classroom teacher. Wakeel raises his hand and smirked. Natasha made her way towards him and took a seat next to him.

"Hi, I'm Wakeel." Said Wakeel.


"Where are you from?" Asked Wakeel.


"Oh. Here I thought you're from heaven cause girl, you look so fine." Smirked Wakeel.

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