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Each day, Wakeel and Natasha have been close. She hangs out with him much more often. Weekends or after school, she would crash around his house. She would observe him and he and his boys as they play video games and compose their original music. As the boys were doing their stuff, Natasha would do Tik Tok dance with his sister, Ameerah. At times, Wakeel would be a loser and tease them for their bad attempts at dancing.

As usual, the squad was having their lunch at the centre of the cafeteria. Wakeel and Natasha were laughing at the hilarious dance they saw on Tik Tok. Both of them were minding their own business when it was cut short by the appearance of Natasha's ex-boyfriend.

"Look, what do we have here? A slut." Remarked Ajax.

"What do you want?" Spat Natasha.

"I'm still not happy with what you did to me. You shamed me in front of everyone." Said Ajax. Wakeel couldn't stand the sight of Ajax and his ridiculous accusation. He slammed his fist on the table and stood up.

"Huh, someone to the rescue." Smirked Ajax.

"Shut up, brat." Said Wakeel.

"What you gonna threaten me now?" Pressed Ajax. Before Wakeel could say another word, Natasha stopped him.

"It's okay, Wakeel. I'll handle this." Assured Natasha. She turned and look at her Ajax. She couldn't stand the sight of the prick and the never endless blame on her. She did something she thought she could never do. Natasha punched Ajax on his face.

"OHHHHHHHHH." The cafeteria was filled with students who were surprised by her sudden gesture.

"Stop playing the victim card, you jerk. You created the fire make sure you can handle the heat. We all know who you truly are. Disgusting prick." Spat Natasha. Wakeel smiled at Natasha.

"Here you are with another guy." Said Ajax. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"You don't get it, don't you? You lose. It's funny how you acted like you're a big shot. Bro, you really make me wanna laugh at your pathetic excuse." 

Natasha words anger Ajax even more. He was about to slap her across her face when Wakeel stepped in and punch him instead. Before the trio could hurt one another any further, the dean walked into the cafeteria and summon them to stop. The trio was sent to the office. Ajax got away without any punishment as he always claimed that he's a victim. However, Prince Wakeel and Natasha weren't lucky enough. Both of them were sent to afternoon detention.

"I'm still not done with you, Natasha. I'll make sure you suffer." Whispered Ajax, low enough that only Natasha could hear it. He walked out of the office with Lisa in his arms. Lisa gave Natasha the nasty eye look for hurting her boyfriend but she just roll her eyes at her pathetic attempt of scaring her.

"I didn't know there's something badass about you." Stated Wakeel.

"Who do you think I am? I'm a bad bitch. No one mess with me." Smiled Natasha. Wakeel chuckled.

That afternoon, both of them spend their time in the detention room. Natasha spent her time wisely by doing her homework but as for Wakeel, well him being him, he spent his time doing nothing. He made a paper aeroplane, doodling on his textbooks and disturbing Natasha. Once in a while, the teacher that was in charge of overseeing them would tell him to keep quiet and stop disturbing others but he didn't heed the teacher's advice.

"Why are you being a goody-two-shoes? Can't you chill for a bit?" Remarked Wakeel.

"You know, I am actually nice but if someone wants to push my button, I can be quite mean. Anyways, I'm getting things done here so at home I don't have to procrastinate. Besides, I wanna catch up with my Netflix series." Replied Natasha.

"I see."

"Aren't your father gonna be mad at you when he finds out what you did?" Asked Natasha.

"He will but he's just too busy with his state duties and stuff like that. So, I get away with it every time." Said Wakeel.

"Ah, lucky child. My parents would kill me. I don't know what will happen once I get home." Natasha sighed.

"Tell them the truth. You know it ain't your fault that everything has happened. He just couldn't accept the truth that he's at fault and keeps on blaming you."

"My parents- they love him. They wouldn't believe whatever I said. You know him. He's good at manipulation. He'll probably come out with some story and my parents will instantly believe him." Said Natasha.

"You're their daughter. Ajax is no one. They will believe you more than him." Stated Wakeel.

"I hope they would."

After their detention, Natasha and Wakeel stopped by McDonald's to have an early dinner. The fast-food restaurant was located a few blocks from her house. Natasha ordered Fillet-O-Fish set meal while Wakeel ordered Cheeseburger set meal. Both of them bond over the simple meal, talking about everything and anything. Natasha notice that some people were staring at them. As she turns to look at them she finally understood why. She was having a meal with the Prince of Brunei. She chuckled.

"You have some fans there." Said Natasha. Wakeel smiled.

"Come with the territory." Stated Wakeel.

Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She scanned the entire room but still couldn't find the culprit how have been watching her. Those who were in the restaurant was either busy conversing in their own conversation or watching shows while eating. Other than bodyguards who was supposed to guard Wakeel, there's literally no one else.

It was getting late and Wakeel offered to send Natasha home. Since her house wasn't that fair, she kindly declined his offer. He was sceptical but Natasha assured him. They said their goodbyes and she began walking in the dark alley. The night was awfully cold and she rubbed her arms, attempting to warm herself. She became even warier of her surroundings when she was all alone. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and place their hand on her mouth, preventing Natasha from shouting for help. Before the darkness consumes her, the perpetrator whispered something in her ear.

"We meet again. I told you that this isn't over."


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