Exposing The Liar

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Just as Wakeel predicted, the whole school was in chaos after news spread that Ajax and Natasha broke up. Everyone was surprised but rumours were spreading around that Natasha cheated on Ajax for her class partner, him.  Wakeel met up with the boys at the locker area.

"Is it true? The rumours?" Questioned Raziq.

"You know damn well that this is his game." Said Wakeel.

"Huh, no surprise. Love to play the victim card." Snickered Raziq.

"Here we go." Mumbled Wakeel.

Wakeel and his group of friends walks towards their first class when he came across Ajax, Lisa and Natasha. Students in the hallways whispered among themselves when saw Natasha. They gave her that judgemental look and whispered 'slut', 'bitch', 'whore' and 'cheater'. Natasha tried so hard to keep her tears from falling and quickly move past the crowd and walk into her classroom. However, Lisa stood in front of her and purposely bump into her as she walks past her which makes Natasha fall onto the ground.

"Sorry, slut." Said Lisa, innocently. Ajax smirked.

Wakeel couldn't take in the sight anymore and walked towards Natasha. He pushed Lisa to the side which causes her to stumble but Ajax caught her in time before she could land on the cold hard floor. 

"Oops, sorry, whore." Smirked Wakeel. Wakeel walks over towards Natasha who was still on the floor and help her.

"You okay?" Asked  Wakeel, concerned. Natasha nods her head.

"You can walk?"

"Yup." Mumbled Natasha.

"Let's go." Said Wakeel.

Before they could walk away, Ajax made a statement. He said "So, you cheated on me for him? Wow."

More whispers could be heard but Wakeel and Natasha kept ongoing. He swears that he really want to punch that son of a bitch for spreading lies and causing hurt to Natasha. But for her sake, Wakeel kept everything in. He promised himself that he will deal with him later. As the duo finally reach their classroom, he helps Natasha to her seat.

"Thank you." Said Natasha.

"No problem." Replied Wakeel.

From afar, Raziq and the boys look at the sight unfolds in front of them. They have never seen the way Wakeel behave like this. The only they witness this scene was when he is with his sister, Ameerah. Wakeel has never approached girls the way he approaches Natasha.

So far, everything has been fine. No one dared to try and mock Natasha when Wakeel is around. The school bell rang indicating the lunch period. 

"Let's go." Said Wakeel.

"Where?" Asked Natasha in confusion.

"Lunch." Replied Wakeel, stating the obvious.

Natasha didn't bother to turn down his offer because the only friend she had, thought it was a good idea to screw her boyfriend behind her back. She followed Wakeel to the cafeteria and everyone set their eyes on both of them. Natasha settled on fried rice while Wakeel decided to have Fish and Chip. They devour their food in silence when Ajax decided to break the silence. He walked towards where the duo was sitting and smirked at Natasha.

"A rebound? After a breakup, you suddenly attached yourself to another guy?" Snickered Ajax.

Wakeel was holding on to his fork and spoon really tight, preventing himself from smacking the jerk in front of him. Natasha didn't say anything. She notices that veins begin to pop out of Wakeel's hand and she reaches over to him to calm him down.

"Should have known better." Ajax remark when he saw what Natasha did.

"That's it. I'm done." Said Wakeel as he stood up and throw his utensil on the table. He pushes Ajax to the side.

"Just for anyone else to know, this cheating bustard has been at it for the longest time. All the rumours you heard wasn't true at all. This bustard couldn't stick to one girl and date another one behind his girlfriend's back. When he got caught, he played the victim card damn well and blamed his ex for it." Explained Wakeel.

What do you know?" Retorted Ajax.

"You want to prove? Go to my Youtube channel tonight and wait for a new video to be uploaded. Titled, Exposing The Liar. There you can see who cheated on who." Said Wakeel.

"By the way, the footage is clear as hell." Continued  Wakeel.

That night, as promised, a video of Ajax caught cheating with Natasha's best friend was released on Wakeel's Youtube channel. Videos spread like wildfire through class group chats and Instagram. Everyone was stunned as they didn't believe that Ajax would do it. Everyone believe whatever he said and now one by one decided to turn against him. Natasha called up Wakeel to thank him for restoring her image. After the second ring, he picked up.

"Hey, I want to say thank you for what you did for me." Said Natasha.

"Don't worry about it. I've been trying to find ways to expose him for quite some time now and I found the opportunity." Replied Wakeel.

"You knew, didn't you? You knew he cheated on me but you still came and asked."

"Yeah. You were literally alone in the dark, bawling your eyes out. I was worried if something would happen to you so I went to check you out." Explained Wakeel.

"Thank you, again. Can I ask you a question?"


"What do you mean by trying to find ways to expose Ajax?" Questioned Natasha.

"Erm, well. It started with him dating my sister. Just like you, my sister became a victim of his well-planned crime. He was once a buddy of mine since we were kids. It didn't really matter to me when I found that my sister and best buddy were dating because I knew he will take good care of her, but after a few months, my sister came running to me in tears telling me that he cheated on her with another girl in school. I went to ask him about it and he blamed my sister cause she's been close with her friend, Rayyan." Confessed Wakeel.

"I didn't believe my sister and one day I saw Ajax going out to movies with the girl. I punched him in the face and since then we have never acknowledged each other presence. Still pissed with him." Continued Wakeel.

"I'm sorry." Mumbled Natasha.

"It's fine. I'm happy that he got to taste his own medicine now. I wanna see how he'll be treated tomorrow in school." Said Wakeel. Natasha gave him a small smile.

"So, how are you? Better?" Asked Wakeel.

"Yup. Who would have known that a bad boy would protect you?" Joked Natasha.

"You do realise I could use it against you right?" Wakeel narrowed his eyes on Natasha.

"Yeah. But after I've witnessed another side of you, I think I'm safe." Smiled Wakeel.

"Shut up. Don't tell anyone about it." Said Wakeel.

"Your secret is safe with me."

Wakeel smile as the girl on the other side of the line laughs. Her laughter was like music to his ears which causes the sudden smile. He snapped out from his thoughts and furrowed his eyebrows.

'What is going on?' Wakeel thought.

'What is going on?' Wakeel thought

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