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Wakeel took a slow step into Natasha's room. For the second time, he had to witness her in the hospital. However, this time around, she was different. She looks tired and ready to give up. He closes his eyes and swallowed a lump down his throat.

"So, this must-have what you witnessed a few years ago, huh?" Mumbled Wakeel.

"I'll be lying if I said it doesn't hurt to see your loved ones like this." Tears began to roll down his cheeks again.

"Don't leave me now. Please. I'm a fool for leaving you. I was a jerk." Admitted Wakeel.

"I need you." Whispered Wakeel as he buries his face into her hands. Tears could be seen running down Natasha's cheeks.

"But, it's okay if you're tired. You can go if you want to. I will always love you. Just know that you will have a special place in my heart just like our kids. No one can compare to you." Said Wakeel as he wipes his tears.

"Life is just too cruel for you. Be with our kids up there, yeah? Wait for me. I'll see you soon, Natasha Erdina." He places a kiss on her forehead before walking out of the room.

Ajax was talking to Tengku Ahmad just outside Natasha's room. At the sight of Wakeel, he loses his cool. He walked up to him and punch him straight on his face.

"Berambus! Asal kau dekat sini?" Angered Ajax.

Wakeel's mouth was bleeding from the great impact.

"Pasal kau lah macam-macam bende jadi dekat Natasha. Bile dia dengan kau, ade je yang tak kene. That time, Lisa. Sekarang, sape lagi yang tak puas hati dengan dia?" Continued Ajax.

"Dah lah. For once, can't you let her live her life peacefully? Aku dari jauh tengok dia, kesian. Jangan datang jumpe dia lagi. Let her go. Dia bukan isteri kau lagi." Finished Ajax.

Ajax left him with Tengku Ahmad and walks into her room. He sighed. It never gets easier for him though he had experienced it before. He took a seat beside Natasha and just stare at her. A couple of minutes have gone by, but he didn't say anything. The sound of the monitor beeping fills up the silence in the room.

"I never knew this day would come again. You are on the bed and here I am, talking to you." Sighed Ajax.

"You're dying and there's nothing that I could about it. You have suffered enough. I know you will be fine up there but I wanna be selfish. I want you to wake up and smile. Telling me that you're stronger than this."

"Ahmad told me the other day. You agreed to go out with him. You know, I was happy. Happy that you're building a new life with someone. Happy that you're back on your feet and ready to explore the beauty of life."

Ajax took a deep breath.

"There's no happy ending to this and I want you to know that everything that has happened to you, isn't your fault, okay? Rest well, dearest Natasha." Whispered Ajax.

Back in Brunei, Dayangku Fatimah was happy that her plan work. She was celebrating the fact that Natasha is going to die sooner or later. She has successfully taken her enemy out of the equation and now her husband can focus on her and their child. Wakeel knew something was fishy about Natasha's accident and asked his PI to find out more about her accident.

"How could this have happened? You should be protecting her." Said Wakeel.

"Sorry, Prince. The accident was well planned." Stated hi PI. Wakeel raises his left eyebrow.

"What do mean?"

"It was a professional killer. I found out that minutes later, it was Dayangku Fatimah who ordered a hit on her."

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