Divorce Me

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Wakeel still could not comprehend what was happening. He stood there thinking to himself.

"If you want to get back at me for something I did, this is not the way." Stated Wakeel.

"Me? I have nothing against you. I am happy with what I have now." Replied Ajax.

"You wanted someone you couldn't have." Pressed Wakeel.

"I've redha. I knew she wasn't the one for me and I am happy with whoever she chooses to be with."

"But, I am mad, angry and frustrated. How could you do that to someone you love? Kau ni ape? Hati besi?" Angered Ajax.

"Jangan bohong dengan aku la." Said Wakeel.

Ajax showed Wakeel a photo of the twins and Natasha who was happily playing at the playground, a few days back. His knees suddenly became and he fell to the ground.

"What goes around, comes around." Said Ajax.

"Don't bother looking for her after what you did." With that, Ajax walks away, leaving him behind.

Wakeel thought about it all day. He has heirs that he doesn't know about. Partly, it was his fault. He never cared nor did he ever bother to find out. He instantly became enraged at thought of being blindsided. Dayangku Fatimah was looking at her husband behind a pillar. This time around, she didn't want to confront or ask her husband about his thoughts or something that's bothering him. The last time she did, she was forced to do something that she didn't like. She sighed at slips down the pillar. She brought her knees to her chest and hugs it. She was curious, very curious and she knew it had something to do with the woman. Dayangku Fatimah stood up and made her way to her bedroom. She taps the screen on her phone and looks for a number she wants to dial.

"Hello?" Said the caller.

"I need your service." Stated Dayangku Fatimah.

The next day, Wakeel had his breakfast with the rest of the family as usual. After breakfast, everyone walks off of the dining room attending their personal affairs or agenda for the day. Today, there's nothing that he has to do except for reviewing some documents. He started his day by volunteering his time to send his son to school. He has never done that. Not ever. His sudden act of a fatherly figure surprises his wife. Wakeel had his reason as to why he wanted to personally send his son to school. As he drives off, Dayangku Fatimah tailed behind him.

"B-bye, D-da-da." Said Jayden as he wave his hands.

"Bye, Jayden. I'll see you in the afternoon, okay? I love you." Replied Wakeel.

He watches his son enters the kindergarten school as he waves goodbye to him. With a one final blowing kiss to Wakeel, his son disappears into the classroom. He smiles before leaving the school compound.

A day before his marriage, he cried. He cried his heart out. In Wakeel's heart, there was only Natasha. She was the only woman he had ever loved. She was his high school sweetheart and his dream came true the day she became his wife. Tomorrow, he's facing a dilemma. He had a choice. It was either he comes clean and shame his family or hide it and probably break Natasha's heart. He chose family over his wife. Even with all of this, he knew he will never fall for another woman other than his first wife.

The day comes where he finally met his second wife. Dayangku Fatimah had officially become his wife. It was a grand wedding and world leaders came to celebrate this happy occasion. When he first laid his eyes on her, he was taken aback by her beauty. She's beautiful and shy. Whenever she smiles, a dimple pops out of her cheeks making her look extraordinary cute. His second wife captivates him. In that instant, she stole his heart.

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