He Hurt Her

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It's been a few months since Natasha and Ajax have been together. Things have been surprisingly well for both of them. Wakeel has been staying away from Natasha for quite some time now. Natasha chuckled at the thought of how he could listen to simple instructions knowing his character. Nonetheless, she was grateful. There have been no more fights between the two boys and both partners talked when it's necessary or related to school, other than that, Wakeel stay seated in his chair quietly or engaged inappropriate conversation with his boys.

It's the weekends and the couple decided to have lunch at the Empire Hotel and walked around the beach just right outside the hotel. Natasha parents book a weekend in the hotel to wind down from work and the kids could take a break from school. Ajax volunteered to spend a day with her. Natasha was sad when her boyfriend could only spend a day with her but she doesn't want to be a clingy girlfriend. Lately, they have been spending less and less time with each other and Ajax was oddly secretive. She didn't want to pursue the matter and gobble everything in. Natasha didn't want to accuse Ajax of anything because he's the first boy she ever loves.

After lunch at the restaurant, both of them walks hand in hand towards the beach. However, Ajax excused himself saying he had to go to the washroom. Natasha smiled and walk towards to beach. She was admiring the beauty and snapping some photos. As she waits for her boyfriend and checks her phone every 5 minutes, it dawns on her that her boyfriend might be in trouble or have lost his way because she's been waiting for him in the same spot for 30 minutes. She walks around the hotel, in the lobby and other places, searching for Ajax. When she finally found her boyfriend at the far right corner of the hotel, she smiles. As she was about to say something, Ajax turned around with a girl in his arms. She stops in her tracks in shock. Her boyfriend was sucking up to her best friend face, Lisa. Tears flow down her cheeks in disappointment.

"You're cheating behind my back?" Screamed Natasha. Both Ajax and Lisa were stunned by Natasha's sudden appearance.

"Baby, I can explain." Said Ajax.

"Explain? You were basically sucking up to her face, Jax! What's more, there is to explain?" Cried, Natasha.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way. You were nice and stuff like that but after a while, I lost my feelings towards you."

He had the nerve to act victimised when he was the cheating partner in this relationship. His comments made Natasha enraged. She charges towards Ajax slapped him across his cheeks. Lisa yelped in shock. Natasha turns towards Lisa and narrowed her eyes at her.

"I trust you. You were my best friend. How could you do this to me!" Hissed Natasha.

"You can't keep your man, it ain't my fault." Stated Lisa with no hint of embarrassment.

"So, whatever Wakeel said was true, huh?" Asked Natasha.

"Why do you always bring him up? Are you guys an item or what? Is this your way of dumping me and putting all the fault on me?" Questioned Ajax. He had the nerve.

"Since day one, Wakeel has been telling me to be careful but I Chose to ignore the red flags because I was so into you and I trust you with my life. Then, you decided to do this? Funny how you decide to change the story and blame it on me when you're caught red-handed." Said Natasha, sarcastically.

"Then why did you defend Wakeel so badly? Obvious there's something between the two of you." Smirked Lisa.

"Bitch." Spat Natasha.

"We're so fucking done. Have fun sucking her up." Said Natasha as she walks away from the couple.

Natasha walks towards her room and bawls her eyes out. He was her first love and he hurt her. She doesn't have anyone else she could rely on and rant about her break-up other than her hometown best friend however she's having exams soon and she doesn't want to interrupt her studies. This time, she had to bottle everything in except that she could talk it out with her partner. Then again, he wouldn't even want to entertain her and probably laughed in her face with an 'I told you so'. Natasha wiped her tears. She didn't have the appetite to eat for dinner. She wanted to clear her mind hence she took a walk to the beach and sat there. Looking up at the sky, all she saw was dark with beautiful stars lighting up the sky. Tears fall down her cheeks again when she thinks about what had happened early today. Natasha bit her lower lips, preventing herself from making any noise. She couldn't hold in anymore and burst out into tears. She hid her face in between her knees.

"What's up with all the tears?" Asked a guy as he took a seat beside Natasha. She quickly wipes her tears and chuckled when she saw who it was.

"Why are you here?"

"Making a video with the boys for our Youtube channel. Why are you crying?" Asked Wakeel again.

"Ajax." Mumbled Natasha.

"Figures." Muttered Prince Wakeel.

"How did you know it's me?"

"I saw you through my room's window. You were walking aimlessly through the beach and I followed." Stated Wakeel.

"What happened?" Continued Wakeel.

"Cheated on me with my best friend." Replied Natasha as tears were forming in her eyes.

Surprisingly, Wakeel didn't say anything. He just seat there, looking at the sea. He silently listens to her while she tells him everything that happened. She chokes on her tears as things were getting too hard for her. Wakeel put his hands around Natasha and brought her closer to him. He gave a side hug. She wails in his arms. Wakeel brushes her hair and soothes her.

 Wakeel brushes her hair and soothes her

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"It's okay. Everything is going to be fine, Tasha. I'm here." Comfort Wakeel.

Both of them sat there admiring the beauty at night. Wakeel was nothing but for once being a friend. A genuine one. He didn't rub it on Natasha's face when he proves his point. Instead, he comforts her. It's another of him that no one has ever seen before. The caring boy he is. There were silently sitting when suddenly Natasha's stomach grumbles in hunger. Wakeel glances over towards her and both of them laughed.

"Come on, let's get you some food." Said Wakeel.

 Wakeel and Natasha stopped by a convenience store and brought some snacks and instant noodles. Both of them gobble their food. There was a peaceful and comfortable silence and Natasha has never imagined herself stuck together with him like this. Nevertheless, she was grateful to him.

"Hey, thank you for listening." Said Natasha.

"No problem. Helping out a friend." Smiled  Wakeel.

Wakeel then watches the girl in front of her. He knew one way or another this would happen to her. Partly, he blamed himself for it. He could have prevented it from happening. He could be a jerk and made Natasha hate him more but he didn't. He stepped away and look as everything unfolds. it wasn't the first time that things have happened and because Ajax was too good at playing the victim card, everyone believes him and blames his partners. Deep down, Wakeel knew he has to be stopped. It's enough that Natasha was hurt by it deeply and he doesn't her to go through it again or ever. Once words got out, he knew everyone would blame Natasha for it and he made sure this time around, Ajax will get to taste his own medicine.

'I'll make sure no one will ever hurt you again, Tasha.' Promised  Wakeel.

' Promised  Wakeel

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