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Wakeel and Lisa arrived at the abandoned warehouse where Natasha was held captive. As they the warehouse, there's no sight of Natasha anywhere. The chair that was once where she was strapped on, left empty. There was blood everywhere. Lisa's eyes widen in shock.

"Where is she?" Asked Wakeel.

"She's supposed to be here."

"Do you see her now?" Questioned Wakeel.

"I swear when I left her, she's still here." Replied Lisa.

"You better not be lying to me!"

"I'm not."

The thought of Natasha having gone missing strikes fear in Lisa. She had hoped that Ajax have warned her about it before letting her go. She can't risk it knowing everything is going well with her plan. She has finally had Wakeel in her arms. Anyone who dares to interfere will show no mercy. Lisa walked to Wakeel and told him not to worry. A clear sign of distress could be seen on his face.

By the time Natasha woke up, she find herself in a bright room. She took a good look at her surroundings and found herself wired to some machine. She instantly knew where she is. She tried to sit up but groaned in pain from the amount of good beating she had from Lisa. No one was in the room except for herself. Natasha found her phone on the desk and reaches it. There were a couple of messages left for her from different people. Some were from her parents and then there's Wakeel. She sighed. Unexpectedly, she dialled his number. On the first ring, he answers the phone.

"Hello? Nat? You okay?" Asked Wakeel, worried.


"Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital." Stated Natasha.

"Don't move. I'll be there." Said Wakeel before he hung up the phone.

Natasha then made a call to her parents, telling them where she is. They were worried sick and glad that their daughter is still alive. Her parents insisted on asking her what happened that night but nothing came out of her mouth. Natasha's parents became relentless and decided to ask her face to face instead of on the phone.

Wakeel was about to leave the warehouse when Lisa stopped him. She stood in front of him as his body towered over hers. She reminds him of the deal they made. She places her hand on his cheeks but he instantly steps away. Lisa followed Wakeel to the hospital as he visits Natasha. He knew things wouldn't be easy and stupid enough to make a deal with Lisa. However, when he thought about it, their deal is practically over since Natasha was there when she brought him to see her.

"Our deal isn't valid." Said Wakeel.

"What do you mean?" Asked Lisa.

"Natasha wasn't there. Our deal was I would do anything you asked if you bring me to her. But you didn't. For all, I know you were trying to trick me." Stated Wakeel.

"And I did bring you to her."

"No, you didn't. She wasn't there."

"So, our deal is off." Continued Wakeel.

"Listen to me, Wakeel. Don't play dumb with me. I did what you asked so now you have to return me the favour." Said Lisa.

"No, I don't." Argued Wakeel.

"Either you hold on to the end of your bargain or you lose Natasha for good. You choose." Finished Lisa. Wakeel knew too well to not play with fire because it will burn you alive. Reluctantly, he agreed.

When Lisa found out that Natasha was in the hospital, she knew her secrets were going to be out and Natasha was going to confess who did the crime. She instantly texted Ajax to go to the hospital before she and Wakeel arrived. Here he is, looking at Natasha who was peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed. Ajax spotted a pillow on the couch and he picks it up as he walks towards her.

"I'm sorry, Tasha." Whispered Ajax.

Before Ajax could suffocate Natasha with a pillow, her eyes flutters open. He was flustered. Natasha instantly became wary and sat up. He drops the pillow on the floor.

"What were you trying to do?" Asked Natasha.

"I-uh-nothing." Stuttered Ajax.

"Don't lie to me, Jax! I saw you holding onto the pillow right above my face!" Yelled Natasha.

"You were trying to kill me!"

Ajax was at a loss for words. He drops his face in embarrassment.

"She told me too." Confessed Ajax.

"Even through everything, you still listen to her? She used you to get to me! She used you! She wants Wakeel for goodness sake! Can't you see that?" Screamed Natasha in anger. She swears to god that she really want to slap the boy in front of her right now. He was so blinded in love that he couldn't differentiate between what's right and what's wrong.

"I'm sorry." Said Ajax.

"You're sorry doesn't mean anything now, Ajax. I'm so mad at you." Replied Natasha.

"Please don't tell anyone what we did. What she did." Begged Ajax.

"Get out, Ajax. I don't want to see you." Sighed Natasha.

"Tasha, please."

"GET OUT!!" Yelled Natasha.

Just in time, Wakeel and Lisa walked hand in hand into Natasha's room. Natasha face instantly lit up at the sight of Wakeel. Just like how fast her face lit up, her face instantly fell when she saw Lisa leaning and holding on to Prince Wakeel's hand. Who wouldn't? Her crush was held by a manipulative girl and he seems to be unbothered about it. He was expressionless. No sign of worried or concern.

"How are you?" Asked Lisa, innocently.

"Get out. Everyone just gets out!" Snapped Natasha.

"I'm trying to be nice. It's okay, babe. Let's go." Said Lisa. She dragged Wakeel out of the room.

Natasha broke into tears. She could have told him. Told Wakeel the truth about the girl in his arm and what she did. But, no. She kept her mouth shut and chase them away. The girl who brutally beat her like there's no tomorrow clung on to the boy she love the most. The boy who saved her from herself and people. Just like that, everything's gone. She lost the anchor of her life.

Wakeel had promised Lisa that he would play along with her stupid fantasy. He didn't want Natasha to be harmed in any way anymore. When he saw her on her hospital bed, he felt relieved. There were cuts and bruises covering her face and arms. Looking at her in that state, he felt pain in his heart. In order to look convincing, he had to act like he doesn't care and put on a blank face. Wakeel knows it will hurt her but it hurts him even more. As he walks out of her room, he let go of Lisa's hands and went straight to Ajax. He couldn't contain his rage and punched him across his face.

"How could you ever do that to her?" Shouted Wakeel.

As Wakeel walks past a wall, he punches it in anger. A tear rolled down his cheek. He was angry at Ajax. He was angry at Lisa. But most importantly, he was angry at himself for treating Natasha like that when she was at her lowest and in her vulnerable state.

 But most importantly, he was angry at himself for treating Natasha like that when she was at her lowest and in her vulnerable state

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