His Second Marriage

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Wakeel had just gotten back from Friday prayers with his siblings and father. His wife wasn't at home with the woman as she followed his mother to an event. He took a quick shower before lying down on his bed. Memories of the last 2 years haunt him.

Wakeel's plane has finally landed at Brunei airport. As he walks out of the airport, he was swamped by reporters and fans. Cameras clicking and lights blinking, blinds his vision. They were excited to see the last son of His Majesty finally back on the island. The bodyguards low their heads as a form of respect before Wakeel slides into the car. He waves goodbye before his driver drives him back home. As he reaches home, everyone greets him with hugs and kisses. They missed him. He used to be a small boy and now he has grown to be such a fine man.

"How's the UK?" Asked Mateen, his older brother.

"Great. Love the weather." Smiled Wakeel.

"Rest up. I have something to tell you later on." Said his father.

That evening, everyone took a seat at their designated place in the dining room. It was a silent but comfortable dinner. Suddenly,  Wakeel's father puts down his utensils and wipes his mouth with a piece of napkin. He clamps his hands together and looks at his youngest son.

"Wakeel, you have known that I have appointed you to be one of the ministers, just like your brothers."

Wakeel nodded.

"You will take your place soon as soon as possible. Preferably, tomorrow." Said his father.

Wakeel nodded once again.

"Also, I have found a wife for you." Continued his father.

Wakeel's eyes widen in shock.

"What do you mean?" Asked Wakeel.

"You will be marrying Dayangku Fatimah who is your distant cousin this weekend."

"You can't do this! I have my right to find my own bride." Argued Wakeel.

"This is for your own good. Also, this marriage is not up for any discussion. It has been finalised and either way, you're getting married." Finished his father and walks out of the dining room.

Wakeel runs his hands through his face in frustration. He closes his eyes, trying to calm himself down. His older taps his shoulder as he walks out of the room. That night, he couldn't stop thinking about Natasha. He has yet to tell his father about his secret marriage. Wakeel didn't have the heart to tell his wife the truth too. He rested his head on the headboard, trying to decide if he should come clean or not.

The day of his wedding finally came and in a single 'lafaz', Dayangku Fatimah has officially become Wakeel's second wife. No one knew about it. It's a secret between Natasha and him. That night, he decided to keep everyone in the dark not knowing the real consequences.

"Miss, we are here." Said the taxi driver.

Natasha snapped out of her thoughts. She thanked the driver and walk out of the taxi. She stood in front of the guardhouse and asked to meet with her husband, Wakeel however the guard gave her a funny look. He must have thought that Natasha is one of his crazy fans. She tried to convince the guard to let her see him and even uses the twins to explain but to no avail. She stood outside the gates hoping that she would come across his figures but nothing. The sky was getting darker and so she decided to head back to her parent's house.

The twins were fast asleep as Natasha arrived in front of her parent's house. She rang the bell and her mother instantly opens the door. At the sight of her daughter, an instant smile spread across her face however it drops when she saw two babies that Natasha was carrying.

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