His Employee

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Natasha was frightened after what had happened to her. The one who used to treat her with care and the hands that used to gently hold her now became someone she doesn't know. It was as if he was someone new. She didn't recognise her husband. Wakeel had left the house right after he force himself on her. As he gets dressed, he looks at her who was wrapping herself with the comforter and hiding away in the corner, afraid. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Wakeel walks towards her as she backs away.

"Stop! Go away!" Screamed Natasha.

"I'm sorry." Sighed Wakeel.

"Go! P-p-lease go. Please!" Cried, Natasha.


"N-no! Please, I beg you. Please leave me alone." Begged Natasha.

Wakeel sighed and walks out of the house. He get in his car and drove away. After a few minutes of calming herself down, Natasha grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom. She look at herself in the mirror and began to cry again after witnessing the state she was in. Bruises could clearly be seen covering her neck and chest area. All done by hers truly, fail husband. She took a hot shower, scrubbing down all the places that his filthy hands might have touched her. Natasha doesn't know how she is supposed to cover all of the love bites Wakeel had left for her from Ajax.

Dayangku Fatimah could not comprehend what she had just seen. Her eyes widen in shock. It was too much for her so she left before her husband could break her heart any further. All this while, she's been living with a liar and dishonest man. She got into her car and stare as her husband drives away.

"I thought I was the only one. You have a wife and you didn't even bother to tell me?" Questioned Dayangku Fatimah. She took a glance of the house one last time before she droves off.

"Whoever you are, I'm going to make sure you stay away from my husband!" Assured Dayangku Fatimah.

It's been days since the incident and Wakeel have been trying to reach Natasha. However, each time he calls her, it went straight to voicemail. Every time he texts her, it was left unanswered. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Out of rage, he throws his phone across the room. The sudden noise startled his son, Jayden, which then cries afterwards. The sound of Jayden's crying caught Dayangku Fatimah's attention and she rushes over to their room.

"Abang! What's going on?" Asked Dayangku Fatimah.

"Nothing." Mumured Wakeel.

"Nothing? You literally just threw your phone across the room and startled our son. Instead of comforting him, you just stared at him? What kind of father are you?" Questioned Dayangku Fatimah.

"Back off, Fatimah. I'm warning you. Don't let history repeat itself." Warned Wakeel.

"Ni la lelaki. Patang di tegur. Bile tegur je nak tunjuk kekerasan dorang. Tak pun, tunjuk kelakian dorang. Sudah! Penat la." Said Dayangku Fatimah. She comforted her crying son and they walks out of the room.

"Mesti pikir pasal pompan tu!" Jeling Dayangku Fatimah.

Natasha looked at her phone who have been spammed with calls and texts from the same number. She knew who it belongs to but didn't want to answer. That day, he broke her. He was supposed to protect her but instead, he hurt her. Ajax who was sitting in front of Natasha notices that she wasn't eating. She was playing with her food and looking at her phone that was on the table.

"Tell him." Stated Ajax.

"What?" Asked Natasha in confusion.

"Tell him to stop bothering you." Said Ajax.

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