Secret's Out

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It's been months since Natasha has last seen her husband. The first few weeks were hard on her. She could barely eat and didn't do her job as a mother. She would just curl up in bed and cry her heart out. Ajax could bear to see her suffer anymore, crying day in and day out. He made her promise to him to not cry in front of her twins anymore because they still need her. She was the only one they had in this life. Natasha had to be strong for her kids. Since then, when things get overwhelmed and she needed to cry, she would hide herself so her kids doesn't have to see her in her vulnerable state or Ajax would bring the twins out to the playground or just have ice cream. She was thankful for Ajax to who was always there for her and being understanding.

Natasha got up early to prepare breakfast. It has become a daily routine for her. She tied up her hair into a high bun and place a kiss on each cheek of her twins. She closes the door behind her quietly and heads towards to kitchen. Ajax was in the showers, getting ready to head out to work. Natasha settled on fried rice and pancakes. She brews black coffee for Ajax while she has her morning tea.

"You don't have to do this for me." Said Ajax as he took a seat at the dining table.

"I've been living in your house for months. I'm not working and I didn't pay you for renting one of your rooms. You brought stuff for the twins and me. This is the least I could do." Replied Natasha.

"I did it wholeheartedly. I'm not expecting anything in return."

"So am I. Let me do this."


Ajax took a bite of Natasha's fried rice. She looks at him while sipping her tea.

"It's good." Compliment Ajax. Natasha smiled.

It was time for Ajax to go to work. Natasha helped to fix his tie for him. He just stared at the woman in front of him. Oh, how he wished that he was the one she marries and not Prince Wakeel. She deserves so much more than being treated like a nobody. Once done, Natasha brushes off any dust that could be found on his shoulder.

"Happy working, dearest best friend!" Smiled Natasha.

"Have fun with the twins."

Wakeel had just eaten breakfast. He sat by the couch while scrolling through his social media. His wife who was feeding their son, Jayden, look at her husband. She couldn't shake the feeling that her husband is hiding something from her. Jayden ran to his father and hugged his legs. Prince Wakeel smiled at his son's behaviour.

"Da-da." Laughed Jayden.


"Hmm." Replied Wakeel, not looking at his wife. He was busy making silly faces to his son.

"You didn't answer me the last time." This time, her words caught his attention.

"What do you mean?" Asked Wakeel.

"Who was the woman from the other day." Questioned Dayangku Fatimah. He stayed silent.

"Abang!" She raised her voice at him.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me, Fatimah! I'm your husband." Angered Wakeel. No words came out of her mouth.

"I don't know who she is." Lied Wakeel.

With that being said, his wife left him with their son as she went up to their room. Angry, sad, frustrated and most importantly, jealous. Prince Wakeel sighed. He didn't mean to hurt his wife's feelings and he couldn't exactly either tell her the truth.

"Da-da. Ma-ma s-sad." Said Jayden.

"I know." Sighed Wakeel.

"Nanny, could you please take care of Jayden for a while." Said Prince Wakeel.

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