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Everyone in school became suspicious when they see Wakeel and Lisa together, often. Rumours were spreading around that they were dating, close friends or replacing Natasha's place. Words got out that the duo is officially dating. Lisa proudly announces it on her Instagram page. That day, the couple walked hand in hand into the school. They look like the unbeatable couple from the movies. The school bad boy and the cheerleader.

Natasha was walking into the school when she saw the couple heading her way. Wakeel put his arms around Lisa's shoulder as he look at him. She couldn't figure out if that was his genuine feeling or just playing along with her game. There was a smug painted on Lisa's face when she saw Natasha. From afar, two boys witnessed everything. They knew what Lisa was going to do next and they rushes over to Natasha, to save the damsel in distress.

Raziq caught up with Natasha in the hallway. He pulled her close to him and whispered, "Act like we're a couple or something. We're not letting her win this time around."

Both of them laughed and smiled at each other as they walked past the couple. Ajax stopped at his track when he saw Raziq come up to Natasha first. He backs away and disappeared into the crowd. There's a pang of jealousy when Wakeel witnessed the scene in front of him. As the couple walks away, he couldn't resist him and turned his head to look at Natasha. There was a pure genuine smile on her face. 

"You didn't have to do that, you know." Stated Natasha.

"I wanted to. I saw your face and I instantly knew you're not okay." Replied Raziq.

The class wouldn't start in an hour. Both of them have a free period since exams are coming up. Natasha and the boys decided to go to school early and study together. Raziq and Natasha stopped by the soccer field and took a seat at the bleachers. 

"At this very place, I saw you with him." Said Raziq.

"Both of you sat here and just talk about everything and anything. I have never seen him like that. Both of you were so happy and just like that, your happiness was taken away from you. You didn't deserve this. Any of this, Natasha." Continued Raziq. Natasha gave him a half-smile.

"You deserve so much more than this. I can't see you crying anymore. It hurts me. So, please. Please forget about him. He's not coming back." Confessed Raziq.

Natasha couldn't hold it anymore and tears streamed down her face. She's been trying to keep everything back and pretended that nothing is wrong with her. Somehow Raziq knew. He knew but didn't want to say anything.

"Promise me that this will be the last time that you're going to cry for me. I don't want to lose you." Said Raziq.

"I promise."

"Thank you for everything, Raziq." Smiled Natasha.

"Always remember that I will always be there for you and have your back. Always." Said Raziq.

For the next few weeks, Raziq has been hanging out with Natasha and stayed by her side. Since the promise she made with him, she has never thought of Wakeel anymore. She stopped crying since that day and wishes him all the best in his life. She came to terms that he wasn't the one for her. Raziq and Natasha were having lunch together. The rest of the boys stick by Wakeel. He left his best friend side and take care of the girl he had ever loved.

"So, what's your plan for the weekend?" Asked Raziq.

"Nothing. Probably just at home, lying around and watching Netflix." Shrugged Natasha.

"Me and boys gonna head out to the Empire Hotel and hang out. Tag along. I'll promise it will be fun." Said Raziq.


Natasha was thankful that Raziq stood by her side throughout her tough time. With his endless support, she managed to get back on both of her feet. She manages to have a smile on her face now. As Natasha noted his kindness, she slowly start to build feelings for him. Feelings for Raziq. After school, Natasha was walking back home from where Raziq had dropped her off. Out of the blue, Ajax stood in front of her.

"Hear me out, please." Whispered Ajax.

"I'm sorry for everything. I know I could have stopped her from hurting you but I just couldn't. I froze. I don't know what I am supposed to do." Continued Ajax.

"You're in love. You were blinded with love. Honestly, I have put it past me. I don't want to think about it anymore. Forget about it, Jax. Before it haunts you." Stated Natasha.

"It already has." Cried Ajax.

"I was being a jerk and pick the wrong side. I'm sorry, Tasha. I really am."

"I've forgiven you, Jax. I'm the type of person who couldn't stay mad for so long. I wish you all the best in your life." Said Natasha.

"Can we start over? As friends again?" Asked Ajax.

"Sure." Smiled Natasha as she wipe away his tears.

The weekend came along and everyone decided to meet at the lobby of the Empire Hotel. They have planned to have breakfast first before hitting the pool. After which, they decided to have dinner at Swensen followed by a movie night. It was the perfect getaway for the students to relax after intense studying. Raziq arrived first at the hotel and took a seat at one of the empty sofas. Following suit was Natasha. He didn't notice the arrival of Natasha as he was focused on his phone. He furrowed his eyebrows at the content of the message he received from his boys.

"Yo, what's up? Said Natasha.

"Hey. When did you arrive?" Asked Raziq.

"Just arrived. By the way, answer my question." Smirked Natasha. He let out a chuckle.

"Just some ridiculous dms I received from fans." Replied Raziq.

"Oh, the man has fans." Remarked Natasha.

"It comes when you're friends with the royals." Shrugged Raziq.

Slowly, one by one, the boys arrived. They decided to have the classic McDonald's breakfast - nothing goes wrong with McDonald's breakfast especially those fluffy pancakes, plump scrambled eggs, McMuffins and a cold cup of ice milo. Everyone talks among each other and laugh at one of the boy's funny incident. After which, everyone headed out to the pool. Everyone was so excited and when they saw the pool, they instantly jumped in. As they were having fun, one of them asked, "When is he coming?" Natasha looked confused.

"Who's coming?" Asked Natasha.

"You didn't tell her?" Questioned Sakhawi.

Before Raziq could answer, Wakeel and Lisa walked into the pool. Natasha looked at Raziq but he looks away. She faces the couple in front of her again as they join them. Both Wakeel and Natasha hold their gaze for a couple of minutes before she swims away towards Raziq.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Whispered Natasha.

"I don't want to hurt you. Besides, I want to spend time with you and uh-ask you something." Replied Raziq.

"You know, I'm fine, right? I don't care about him anymore." Stated Natasha.

"That's good."

"So, what did you want to ask?" Asked Natasha.

"The couple of weeks that I have spent with you. They're great and memorable. But-uh-along the way, I catch feelings. I know I shouldn't have but I can't stop myself. So, Natasha Erdina, will you be my girlfriend?" Confessed Raziq.

 So, Natasha Erdina, will you be my girlfriend?" Confessed Raziq

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