Attempted Suicide

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Tengku Ahmad who was eavesdropping throughout the whole conversation and sighed. Ajax taps on his shoulder and brought him far away from Natasha's room.

"I know you have so many questions. I'll try to answer them as much as I can." Said Ajax.

Both of the men sat by the cafe and took a sip of their coffee.

"Natasha was my high schoolmate. She's from here but moved to Brunei for some reason and attended the same high school as me and Wakeel. Back then, she was the most beautiful girl you could ever imagine and she still is." Chuckles Ajax.

"We dated for a while and I did something stupid. I cheated on her with her best friend and broke her heart. Terribly. Wakeel was there for her. Throughout her downfall, he was there for her making sure she was okay. And when things finally start to be okay again, she falls apart all over again. It seems like mother nature has some kind of hate towards her." Continued Ajax.

"Natasha have feelings for Wakeel at that point of time but her best friend threatened Wakeel to hurt her hence he had to pretend to hate her. Pretend to not love her. There she goes, back to her hell hole. In this process, she fell in love with Wakeel's best friend before he got killed and somehow the two love birds managed to go against the odd and get married in the UK." Finished Ajax.

"That's one hell of a life ride." Stated Tengku Ahmad.

"You think? Even with all of this, she managed to stand up. That woman, she's strong and I don't know if I could be like her if it was me who have to go through that."

"Me neither."

"Tapi, asal resume dia taruk yang dia tu single and not married?" Asked Tengku Ahmad.

"Move on. The day she left Brunei, she leaves all of her past and history behind. It was just toxic for her." Replied Ajax.

"Aku tengok dia tu, kesian la. Nampak sah yang suami dia tu dah tak sayang dekat dia lagi." States Tengku Ahmad.

"Entah lah. Bile fikir balik, ade anak. Susah kalau nak cerai bile dah ade anak. Nanti yang tersakit ialah anak bukan dorang."

"Betul." Agreed Tengku Ahmad.

"Kau ni, takde feelings dekat Natasha ke?" Asked Tengku Ahmad

"Nope. Anggap macam adik je." Tengku Ahmad nodded.

"Asal? Kau berkenan  dengan dia ke?" Asked Ajax. Tengku Ahmad smiles.

Tengku Ahmad walked into Natasha's room and finds her curled up in a ball, crying. It broke his heart to see her wailing like that. He walks to her and places a hand behind her back while rubbing circles.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Calmed Tengku Ahmad.

"H-h-he took my kids away from me!" Cried, Natasha.

"You will get them back." Promised Tengku Ahmad.

After some time, Natasha had stop crying. Tengku Ahmad who was sitting on a chair next to her stares at her. She noticed her boss staring and her and quickly hides her face.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." Said Natasha.

Tengku Ahmad shakes his head and pushes the blanket away from Natasha's face which used to cover her face. "Don't worry about it. Please, don't cover your beautiful face." Stated Tengku Ahmad.

After the loss of her child and her twins were forcefully taken away from her, Natasha has no will to leave. Every single one of her loved ones leaves her. Every day, she just sat by her bed and stare at the twins baby cot. She holds on to the twins' shirts and inhales the remaining smell of them. She misses them, dearly. Natasha barely eats and she's constantly crying. Ajax tried to comfort her however she's still the same. After Natasha was discharged from the hospital, she instantly resigned from her position at Tengku Ahmad's company. However, he advised her not to. Instead, he proposed that Natasha keeps her position and take as many days as needed to pull herself together.

Froom afar, Dayangku Fatimah was jealous and mad when she saw how Wakeel treated the twins. He showers them with love and care and Jayden barely gets any attention from him. One time, Jayden asked  Wakeel to play with him however he just shrugged him off and focuses his attention on the twins. She despises the sight of the twins. Before they came along, Jayden gets all of the attention and now, he was pushed to one side. That night, after Wakeel had put the twins to sleep, he laid down on his bed while scrolling through his phone. Dayangku Fatimah who had walked out of the washroom took steps towards her husband.

"Asal abang sekarang jarang main dengan Jayden? Dia asyik-asyik panggil daddy dia tapi abang macam take endah pun pasal dia." Stated Dayangku Fatimah.

"Abang pun nak spend time dengan Shakeel and Syaqeerah jugak. Abang take pernah pun main dengan dorang since dorang lahir lagi."

"Tapi agak-agak la. Jayden tu pun anak abang, kot. Abang ni macam belah kasih sayang la."

"Lepas tu, abang nak buat ape? Dorang mane ade orang lain lagi except abang. Jayden kan ade awak. Main la dengan dia dari terperuk je dekat dalam bilik." Replied Wakeel. Dayangku Fatimah scowled at her husband.

Things were getting excruciating for Natasha that she had to be hospitalised due to a lack of nutrition in her body. She was frail and beyond recognisable. Visible bones could be seen and it scares Ajax. One day, Natasha sat in the bathroom and look at herself in the mirror. She was in a total mess. Her hair was frizzy and dry, clear visible dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep and chapped lips from not consuming enough water. A razor that was placed on the countertop caught her attention. She took it and sat by the cold hard floor. Natasha took the razor blade and in just one swift movement, she cuts her left arm. Blood was oozing out of her open wound and all she ever did was watches it. More and more blood was oozing out of her hand and to the floor. The floor was covered in her blood. The lack of blood in her body made her feel light-headed and hallucinated.

"Adik, nanti tarik mama, abang and kakak ke syurga okay?" Smiled Natasha, faintly.

"Maafkan mama sebab tak dapat jage adik bile adik dalam perut mama. Maafkan mama, sayang."

"Maafkan mama sebab taknak adik di dalam dunia ini. You deserve a better mum than me." Said Natasha as tears flows down her cheeks.

Ajax who had just come back home from grocery shopping was shocked to find Natasha on the floor, eyes closed and barely breathing. He shook her body, hoping that she wakes up but to no avail. He picks her up from the floor and rushes towards the car before driving her to the nearest A&E.

"Nat! Bangun lah!" Screamed Ajax.

"Kau dah gile ke? Kenape kau buat kerje bodoh ni? Kau nak tunjuk dia yang kau tu lemah? Natasha yang aku kenal take pernah lemah!"


Once Ajax arrived at the hospital, Natasha was instantly wheeled into the emergency care for treatment. He runs his hands through his hair in desperation and worries. As her figure are lost in the sea of people, he punches the nearest wall and broke down in tears. His best friend was suffering badly and he didn't catch it. She was suicidal but he didn't notice. Ajax called Tengku Ahmad for help.

"Bro." Cried Ajax.

"What's wrong?" Asked Tengku Ahmad, worried.

"She was in pain and I didn't know. I should have paid attention to her. I should have known better." Blamed Ajax to himself.

"What's going on?"

"Natasha, sh-she, she cuts her herself." Explained Ajax.


"Please help her. Please! Tell him to let her go." Begged Ajax.

" Begged Ajax

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