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Finally, it's the weekend. Natasha was stressed with all of the content that have been thrown at her. Her assignments keeps pilling up and every time she looks at them, she sighed. Instead of doing something about it, she procrastinate and ended up in bed scrolling through her social media account. At night, the couple would FaceTime with each other. It's like their daily routine.

It's been months since Wakeel asked Natasha to be his girlfriend. Truth to be told, Raziq was the last one she would find herself to be in a relationship with. However, Wakeel's was right. Her true feelings lie in the bad boy who went all out to help her. She get her emotions to get to the best of her and ended up falling for someone else. However, never once did she ever regret to have Raziq as her boyfriend. Natasha knew she could never find anyone else like him. She's the happiest whenever she's around him. Now, it's the bad boy job. So far, he's been treating her like a princess. He gave in to her and make silly pick up lines/jokes to make her happy. For that, she's thankful to have Wakeel in her life.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" Asked Wakeel.

Both of them were FaceTime each other while they are finishing up with their homework.

"Nothing. Probably just finishing up with this pile of assignments and rest." Replied Natasha.

"Yourself? Attending royal stuff?"

"Nah." Said Prince Wakeel.

"So, uh, we have never gone on a date before. I mean like just the two of us. Do you want to go to Jerudong Park tomorrow?" Requested Wakeel.

"Like a date?"

"Yeah, like a date."

"Sure." Cheered Natasha.

"Okay." Chuckled Prince Wakeel.

The next day, Natasha work up early. She makes an extra effort to put on makeup on their first date. She settled on a yellow mid dress which radiates sunshine and her beauty. They promised to have breakfast together at Jerudong Park. On her porch, Prince Wakeel had already arrived at Natasha's house. He rang the doorbell. Natasha quickly rushes down the stairs and opens the door. There stood her boyfriend, arms at the back and smiling boyishly.

"Looking beautiful as always." Complimented Wakeel.

"Oh well, thank you, lover boy." Replied Natasha.

Wakeel wore a black leather jacket over a white plain t-shirt and jeans. He paired it off with an Apple Watch and a pair of high cut converse shoes. Typical bad boy look.

"Like what you see?" Jokes Wakeel.

"Definitely." Replied Natasha. She places a kiss on his cheek. He chuckles.

As they arrived at the venue, Wakeel hold out his hand for his girlfriend and she gladly took it. The place was filled with people and once they spotted him, crowds began to form around them. On the other hand, he didn't like the attention he's getting. Everyone wants to take a picture with him. That day, he looks like a famous star. Wakeel gave in to the netizens request as he doesn't want to come off rude or ruin his father's image. Some asked who is Natasha and he proudly confessed to them that she is his girlfriend. Natasha shook her head. She knew right after this, photos of them will be posted on every social media and article with captions of them dating. Just like that, she became famous.

They stopped by a cafe to have their breakfast. His fans could clearly be seen taking photos/videos of the couple who was busy enjoying their food. Bodyguards were stationed around them to prevent unnecessary chaos. Their date turns into something uneventful where everywhere they go, they are accompanied by his fans. However, Wakeel didn't give up easily and wanted to make the most out of it. He planned to take the roller coaster and darts games with Natasha. That day was theirs and no one will ruin it.

After breakfast, they set off to ride the roller coaster. As Natasha watch the car spin in a circle and climb the trail, her eyes shook in fear. She taps on Wakeel's shoulder.

"Are you sure you wanna ride this?" Asked Natasha.

"Yeah." Replied Wakeel.

They made their way to the queue line and waited for their turn. While waiting, Natasha played with her fingers and looks around in nervousness. Wakeel notice her uneasiness and casually hugged her to calm her down.

It's their turn to ride the roller coaster. Natasha holds on to Wakeel's hand in fear. As they took a seat and locked the safety belt, never once did she ever let go of Wakeel's hand. He rubs circles in her hand, trying to calm her down. As the car starts to move slowly, she closes her eyes not wanting to witness the heights and spiral. Her grip on his hands tighten. When the car came to a stop, Natasha thought it was the end. She opens her eyes and widens in shock. She's in the middle of the ride and things were just getting started. Suddenly, the car zoomed down the trail and the sudden drop of altitude shook her. Just like everyone else, she screamed. On the other hand, Wakeel was laughing while enjoying himself.

As the ride came to an end, they walk out of the car. Natasha could barely walk. At this point in time, she would rather be sent to the hospital from all the shock she's getting. She glares at the boy who was smiling brightly beside her. He places a kiss on top of her head to soothe her anger. They played bump cars, darts, shooting and many more. The sun that was once shining brightly and providing light slowly starts to dim and changes to dark. The stars were absolutely stunning that night as it illuminates the night sky. They stopped by a game booth one last time before they call it the night.

The game requires them to shoot a dart at a target containing balloons. They have to try and hit all of the balloons within the number of darts provided to win a cute bear. Wakeel took up the challenge in order to impress Natasha. Surprisingly, he was good at it and manage to hit all of the balloons.

"This one is for you." Said Wakeel as he pass the winning trophy to Natasha.

"Aw. Thank you." Replied Natasha.

"I had so much today."

"Me too." Smiled Wakeel.

"We should do this again." Said Natasha.

"We should."

On their way ride back home, Natasha and Wakeel were too tired from the eventful day and ended up falling asleep in the car. Natasha places her head on his shoulder as she falls asleep and Wakeel places his head on top of hers. They were peacefully sleeping, enjoying each other warmth and comfort. The car came to a stop just outside Natasha's home. Wakeel's driver woke them up.

"Prince, Natasha, we're here." Stated the chauffeur.

Natasha opens her eyes and was in a daze. She squints her eyes to regain her eyesight. Wakeel stretches out his arms and turns his body similar to morning stretches. She thanked the driver and walk out of the car. Wakeel follows suit.

"Thank you for today."

"No problem."

"Goodnight." Said Natasha.

"Sweet dreams."

Before Natasha walks into her house, Prince Wakeel stopped her.

"I know I don't say this enough. But I want you to know that I love you. I love you with all of my heart. I am so in love with you, Natasha Erdina. You're my person." Confessed Wakeel. He blows a kiss to her.

Natasha smiled.

"I love you too."


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