Let Me Go

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Wakeel was sitting by the window in Starbucks. He was waiting for someone. While waiting, he took out his phone and scrolled through his Instagram account. He saw his fans make some edits and smiled. While he was busy on his phone, Wakeel didn't realise that the person he's meeting have arrived.

"This is the first time you asked to meet up alone." Said Lisa as she took a seat opposite of him.

"What's up?"

"I have something to discuss with you." Stated Wakeel.

"What is it?" Asked Lisa.

"I want to stop playing this game." Said Wakeel.

"I want you to stay away from me and her. Don't even try to pull strings with me." Continued Wakeel.

"I don't understand why are you so obsessed with Natasha. What does she have that I don't? Am I not good enough?" Questioned Lisa.

"Oh, darling. That's a huge difference between you and her. You don't see her running around ruining someone else relationship. Honestly, I don't get you. What did she ever do to you to make you hate her so much?" Asked Wakeel.

"Whatever." Said Lisa and she storms out of the restaurant.

Wakeel sighed in relief. As Lisa walks out of the restaurant in anger, she knew she had to do something. If she can't have him, no one else could. Her obsession to have Wakeel all to herself get to the best of her and cloud her judgement. Lisa plastered a sinister smile on her face. She knew what she had to do to get her revenge.

Natasha was chilling in Raziq's house. He have a soccer tournament later on and she wanted to support her boyfriend. Hence, early in the morning, she stood in front of his porch. Natasha was scrolling through her social media when Raziq came out of the kitchen holding waffles and slices of bacon. She smiled at the sight of a freshly cooked meal done by her boyfriend. Raziq chuckled at his girlfriend reaction.

"Here you go, Princess." Said Raziq.

"Thank you, babe." Natasha took a biter of the waffle and moan in satisfaction.

"This taste so good." Said Natasha. Raziq smiled.

After which, Natasha cuddled up against Raziq as she watch her favourite k-drama show. Raziq looks at his girlfriend and there was something that troubles him. He needs to get it off his chest but he doesn't know how to say it to her.

"What's up, babe?" Asked Natasha.

"Ermm, nothing." Replied Raziq.

"Aw, come on. I know you wanna say something. Your face says it all." Whined Natasha. Raziq sighed.

"You know yesterday when you went out to the washroom, I notice minutes later Wakeel walk out too. Then, you took too long to come back. So, I was curious why." Stated Raziq.

"It was nothing. He asked how I was doing and wishes both of us well." Lied Natasha.

"Oh, okay."

It was time to go and both of them made their way to the soccer field held in Jerudong. Natasha took a seat at the bleachers where all the parents were present to support their kids. On the other hand, Raziq joined the rest of the boys who were busy warming up in the field. As she was scanning the field, she didn't catch Wakeel's figure. Natasha shakes her head instantly.

'You're here to watch your boyfriend. Not him. Stop thinking about him.' Thought Natasha.

Today is the final match between Raziq's team and another school team. After this, either of these teams determines who is the champion. Raziq was put to be the captain and you broke a smile at how proud you are for him. The first whistle blows indicating the start of the match. Everyone watched the match in anticipation. One of the boys from Raziq's team managed to tackle the ball from the opponent. He passes the ball to Raziq who were running towards the away team goalpost. He receives the ball with his chest and shoots it straight to the net. As the ball hits the net, Natasha stood up in excitement and screams. For his goal ceremony, Raziq walked towards the bleachers and blow a kiss towards Natasha. She covers her face in embarrassment. 

In the end, Raziq's team won the game and was crowned the champion. Natasha made her way towards the boys who were eyeing the medals and cup and taking photos. She spotted Wakeel from afar who was busy entertaining his fans. She walked straight to her boyfriend and hugged him.

"Congrats, babe! So proud of you." Said Natasha as she places a kiss on Raziq's cheeks.

"Thank you, love." Smiled Raziq.

For a celebration, everyone decided to go to Wakeel's house. His parents organised a few foods for the boys to devour on and a way of saying congratulations to them. Natasha tag along. Everyone was busy eating and laughing that they notice Lisa walking into their private little party.

"Seems like everyone is having fun." Stated Lisa.

"What are you doing here, Lisa? You're not invited." Said Wakeel.

"I've some unfinished business." Replied Lisa.

"You see, when you dumped me, I wasn't happy. In fact, I was in a rage. Then I thought to myself. If I can't have you, no one else could. Especially, dearest Natasha." Smiled Lisa, innocently.

"But I believe none of you knew the true story. It wasn't Ajax who tortured her, It was me." Laughed Lisa.

Wakeel looked at Natasha however she avoids making eye contact with him. Few gasps between the boys could be heard from the shocking news.

"Why?" Whispered Wakeel. Lisa ignored his question.

"So, for my final act, I'm eliminating the only person who's standing in my way." Lisa smiled dropped and it was replaced with a scary look.

Lisa walked towards Natasha while she narrowed her eyes at her. Before Natasha could say anything, Lisa took out a bottle and open its cap. She then splashes the content towards her. However, before the substance cold ever hit Natasha, Raziq stood in front of her, protecting Natasha. Minutes later, Raziq was screaming in pain. Lisa was shocked by the sudden appearance of Raziq. She still wasn't quite happy that Natasha was alive and well. She quickly took a knife from the table and tried to stab her. Just like before, Raziq stood in her way. In the end, Raziq was burned due to acid and stabbed through his heart.

"No, Raziq!" Screamed Natasha.

"Wake up, baby. Please, wake up. I love you. Baby, please." Said Natasha as tears were flowing down her cheeks.

Raziq smiled weakly. He had lost a lot of blood and barely breathing.

"Someone please call an ambulance." Yelled Natasha.

Raziq wipes away Natasha's tears.

"It's okay, love. It's okay to say goodbye." Replied Raziq.

"No, you're not dying on me! You're not leaving me!"

"It's okay to let me go. Thank you for the wonderful memories. You will always have a special place in my heart. I love you, Natasha. I always do." Said Raziq.

Raziq took one final breath and closes his eyes. His hands that were once holding on to Natasha, dropped, lifelessly.

He was gone.

He was gone

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