Don't Push Me Away

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It's been weeks since Raziq has left everyone. Natasha was recovering from the loss of her boyfriend. It feels like yesterday when Raziq held her and ask her to be his girlfriend. He was the sweetest guy she have ever met. Now, the one that used to be her pillar of strength was suddenly ripped away from her. No one else is going to love her as he would. The last time Natasha went out of her house was when she attended Raziq's burial. Everyone was there including Wakeel. He tried to comfort her but she ignores him. She's done with him. It seems that everything had happened because of him.

Since that day, Natasha has never set her foot out of the house. The school was understanding and have given her some time off to grieve. She barely eats and all she ever did was cage herself in her room and cry. Wakeel would come by every single day making sure that she's okay. He went all out to help her but never once did she ever care or notice his effort. On the other hand, Lisa was caught by the police at the palace when she first stabbed Raziq. She was convicted in the juvenile court because she's a minor. A psychiatric assessment was even done on her and it shows a disturbing result. However, Natasha wasn't happy that she gets away freely after killing the love of her life. She did so many things and everything and gets away with it easily.

"How long are you going to be like this? Raziq would have wanted you to move on." Said Natasha's mum.

"You don't know him like I do." Stated Natasha.

"Even so, he doesn't want you to harm yourself like this. He would rather wish you the best in life. He wants to see you happy." Replied Natasha's mum.

There was some truth as that her mother had said. Natasha wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She gets up and took a cold shower. After which, she dressed up and cleaned her room. She determines to do this for Raziq. Feeling hungry, she went to the kitchen to find some food. Natasha settles on cereals and a glass of orange juice. She scrolled through all the messages that her friends have sent her, wishing her their condolences. As she took a bite of her food, she slowly reply to their messages. Once done, she was the dishes and was about to head back to her room when Wakeel stood in front of her.

"You feel better?" Asked Wakeel.

Natasha pushed past him however he grabbed her arm, stopping her from taking another step.

"Stop, you're hurting me!" Squirm Natasha.

"Please, Natasha. Don't push me away." Begged Wakeel.

"God, please. Let me go."

"Natasha Erdina!"

"WHAT! I hate you! I hate you so much! Because of you, I lose the man I truly love. He was so nice to me. He was so good to me. He made me feel special. And just like that, he was taken away from me. Because why? Because of you!" Yelled Natasha.

"Nat, I'm sorry. He's my best friend too. I lose him too." Comfort Wakeel.

"Not as much as I did."

"I don't want to see your face anymore. I don't want you to be around me anymore. Seeing you makes me hate you even more. I swear, I wished it was you instead of him who died that day." Stated Natasha.

"Say whatever you want to say to make yourself feel better, Nat."

"What do you want from me?" Asked Natasha.

"I want to help you through these tough times." Replied Wakeel.

Natasha snickered. "The last person I would rather ask for help would be you. I don't need your help." With that, she walked away.

The next day, Natasha walked into school with her head held high. Everyone wishes her the best and condolences. A few gave a hug. She spotted Ajax at the locker area.

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