My Angels

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Tengku Ahmad places his hand onto Natasha's shoulder. No one knows what she's going through and he can only imagine so much. Natasha wipes away her tears and the trio finally walks away from the courthouse. Ajax who have been observing the whole situation, sighs. He knew she stills love him but he didn't fight for their marriage, He hopes that Natasha finds a new beginning in life with whoever she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. That was all he had ever hoped for her. Pure and true happiness.

"We're here for you, Nat. Always." Smiled Ajax.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs. There was no one in the palace except for Dayangku Fatimah, the twins, Jayden and the babysitter. Some either attend a function while the guys in the family attend the cycling event. It was the perfect moment for Dayangku Fatimah to execute her plan. A very perfect plan of hers.

She walked into the nursery room with a packet containing white powdery stuff. No one was in there except for the twins. She looked into the baby cot to find both of them smiling at her. Those innocent smiles. Dayangku Fatimah finds two bottles of milk and she looks around the room one more time making sure that the coast was clear before inserting the white powder into the two bottles. She quickly mixes the content before walking out of the room. No one had seen it coming. Not even the twins.

"So, Natasha, what are you going to do now?" Asked Tengku Ahmad. 

The trio stopped by a restaurant to get some food. Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I can't see them until they reach legal age. All I can do is to look at them from afar." Sighed Natasha.

"Time will pass by fast. Before you knew it, they're right in front of you." Said Tengku Ahmad, trying to stay positive for the sake of Natasha.

He knew too well how the royal rules works and honestly, it kind of sucks. Yes, commoners can marry the royals and it seems all fun and joy until things start to turn sideways. Then there comes the boundary. Some are not able to see their kids until a certain age is reached. Rules like this break his heart. They are their kids and they have the right to see their biological parents even if things don't work out for the adults. Tengku Ahmad sighed. He took a glance at Ajax who have been quite quiet this whole time.

"What's wrong?" Asked Tengku Ahmad.

Ajax scratched the back of his head.

"Erm, it's time for me to go back home. It's been more than a month. I have to deal with the company." Mumbled Ajax.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." Said Natasha.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I will always be here for you." Smiled Ajax.

"You're my ride or die." Joked Ajax. Natasha laughed and punch him on his arm.

"Go back if you have to. It's okay. I'll look after Natasha." Volunteered Tengku Ahmad. Ajax mouthed 'thank you'.

"You two do realise that I'm no longer a child right? I can take care of myself now." Stated Natasha. Both of the men look at her before shaking their heads. Natasha groans.

Wakeel who had just arrived in Brunei rushes back home. He was excited to see the twins. Partly because Shakeel has a glimpse of Natasha's face. Once he has arrived at the palace, he places a kiss on top of Jayden's head as he walked past the living room. He literally ran up the stairs before he stop in front of the nursery room. Wakeel opens the door slightly and pops his head into the room. It was eerily quiet. He opens the door wider and steps into the room. There was no sound and only the sound of his footsteps could be heard. He looked into the baby cot and widen his eyes. White foams came out of the twin's mouth. Eyes were shut close and upon further inspection, they weren't breathing. Wakeel shook their body vigorously hoping that they wake up.

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