Set Her Free

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Natasha had just woken up from her sleep. She finds herself in a hospital with monitors beeping around her. She took a glance at the room and found Ajax who was fast asleep on the sofa. She took a glance at her hand who is now bandaged. She reached out to the table next to her in an attempt to take glass water however Natasha accidentally knocked the glass down instead. The sudden glass shatters woke Ajax up from his sleep. He immediately ran over towards Natasha's side.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ajax.


Ajax took a new glass and filled it with water before handing it over to Natasha. He then cleans up the glass pieces that were shattered on the floor.

"Sampai hati kau." Natasha stared at Ajax.

"Kau dah tak sayang aku lagi ke? Kau nak tinggalkan aku macam gitu je?"

"Aku penat, Jax." Sighed Natasha.

"Penat kene tanggung semua ni. Satu-satu bala datang dekat aku. Aku dh penat nak hidup. Amik je la nyawa aku." Begged Natasha.

"Natasha yang dulu tak akan give up macam gitu je. She's a fighter." Stated Ajax.

"Dulu dengan sekarang dah lain, Jax. Sekarang ni, aku dah takde sape-sape dah." Cried, Natasha.

"Aku kan ade. Boss kau tu, dia ambil kisah pasal kau. Tadi ade je dia datang tapi bile dah tengok kau tidur, dia balik. Nanti, dia datang tengok kau." Said Ajax.

"Aku taknak menyusahkan orang."

"Kau best friend. It's us again the world." Stated Ajax.

Natasha chuckles. "Funny. I used to say it to him too."

"Dah sudah! Jangan fikir pasal jantan tu lagi. Kalau dia sayang kau, dia tak akan buat kau macam ni." Said Ajax.

"Nanti, pandai-pandai Ahmad la nak settle dengan si banggang tu." Whispered Ajax, softly.

"Huh?" Questioned Natasha.

"Takde. Kau rehat je dulu. Dah takmo buat perangai dah."

Tengku Ahmad travelled to Brunei to meet His Majesty and Wakeel. It has gone too far Natasha and this is the only way he could help her and stop all of this mess. His Majesty was shocked by the sudden appearance of Prince of Pahang in his private property.

"I didn't know that you're coming." Stated His Majesty.

"It's a sudden visit." Replied Tengku Ahmad.

"What's the occasion?" Asked Mateen.

"Well, it's about your brother." Said Tengku Ahmad as he looks at Wakeel. Wakeel who was sitting with his wife furrows his eyebrows.

"What's going on?" Questioned His Majesty.

"I don't know. Wakeel, why don't you do the honour and tell your father the truth?" Challenged Tengku Ahmad.

"What do you mean?" Wakeel raised his left eyebrow.

"Well, since you want to play dumb, I'll just say it then."

"Divorce Natasha." Declared Tengku Ahmad.

Everyone who was in the room widened their eyes except for Wakeel and Dayangku Fatimah.

"Wakeel, explain!" Snapped His Majesty.

"Fatimah isn't my first wife. Right after I'm done with school, Natasha and I got married. We didn't want to tell anyone and it was supposed to be a surprise. You called me and told me to come back and I did. Suddenly, you asked me to get married to Fatimah. Not knowing that Natasha was pregnant with my kids, I pretended that I didn't know her. Things turn sideways and here I am with my rightful kids." Explained Wakeel.

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