His Diary

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The school bell rang indicating that school is over. Wakeel stayed back in school because he have soccer practice. Natasha didn't want to go to school early so she dropped by the school library to study for next week class test. Soccer practice wouldn't start in a few hours time so Wakeel and the gang decide to drop by the library to relax and chill. At the far corner of the library, sitting by the window, Wakeel spotted Natasha occupied one table all by herself. She was engrossed in writing down her study notes while relaxing to some classical music.

"Hey, erm, ya'll go ahead. I'll seat with Natasha instead." Declared Wakeel. His gang just nodded. He walk over to her and took a seat across from her.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Natasha.

"Chilling in the library while waiting for soccer practice. Yourself?" Replied Wakeel.

"Studying, duh." 

Wakeel smiled. He pull out his homework that was supposed to be due tomorrow and started doing them. Besides those exercise books and files, Natasha found a book that caught her eyes. It was buried with a couple of books. Out of curiosity, she asked Wakeel what was and he quickly shove the book into his backpack. He then mumbled that it was his personal diary. Natasha chuckled in amusement. Who would ever thought that a bad boy keeps a diary? Wakeel just rolled his eyes as she made fun of him. It was time for Wakeel to go and he rush by shoving all the books and files into his bag. In a hurry, his personal diary fell off from his bag. Before Natasha could stop him, he have already vanished into thin air. Natasha sighed. Curiosity got to the best of her as she could resist herself from reading his diary. She knew it was wrong but she just couldn't help it. She turned the book and reads them.

'Sup, man.

It's me. Just like any other day, I was being, well, me. There's this new girl in school and I think I've seen her somewhere. If I'm not wrong, I've crossed paths with her last night. I tried to woo her but guess who got dumb? Me! Haha. She's something you know. Something about her attracts me. I'm not gonna lie, she is beautiful. Everyone is talking about her in school and I knew sooner or later someone gonna hit her up. This time around, I wanna shoot my shot on her. I have never been in a relationship, like ever. Girls have been hitting on me but none interest me or they genuinely like me for who I am. Some just trynna meets my brother or just popularity. 

Anyways, she's my sitting partner for the year so I think I have the advantage. She's quite arrogant and hard to please. I think the only way for her to notice me is to tease her. Let's see how it goes.'

Natasha just chuckled at how Wakeel described his first encounter with you. You still remember how painful it was trying to bear with his nonsense. You flip to the next page as things were getting more and more interesting.

'He hurt her, man. He hurt her. I know he was screwing her best friend behind her back and I tried to warn her a couple of times. She was too ignorant to even see. Maybe I could have done better. Maybe if I straight up tell her that Ajax was screwing with her best friend in the early stage of their relationship, she wouldn't be in this state. It angers me to see her this way. She was crying helplessly on the beach, alone with no one to comfort her. I looked down from my window and I just knew I couldn't leave her all alone at night. I want to hug her, hold her and comfort her. Tell her that everything will be fine. At the same time, I wanna bash his head against the wall couple of times for hurting her. God, please make her feel better. I don't want her to go through this again. It's just too much.'

Natasha covers her mouth in shock. She's speechless. Wakeel knew it all along but he didn't want to tell her. She knew why he did it because she will instantly blame him for ruining her relationship. He's a well known bad boy in school so it's not impossible for him to orchestrate her break-up. A tear flow down her left cheek. There's so much in him but she chose to see the dark side in him. That day, Natasha couldn't thank Wakeel enough for what he did.

Natasha took a glance at her watch and notice that in half an hour time Wakeel will be done with his soccer practice. She packed her bag and made her way to the soccer field. She sat by the bench as she watches Wakeel and his teammates' practice. He was having so much fun.

Once soccer practice is done, Wakeel notices a familiar figure sitting at the bench. He walks towards her with a smile.

"Miss me already?" Winked Wakeel. Natasha didn't say anything. She simply hands him his diary.

"I'm sorry. I read some parts of your diary. I know I shouldn't have done that. I'm invading your privacy. Sorry." Said Natasha.

"It's fine."

"Thank you for doing that to me that day. I couldn't thank you enough. You know, it's not that hard to be yourself. You don't have to act all tough. Someone will eventually love you for who you are. Someone will be lucky to have you." Assured Natasha.

"I've someone in mind but with the way I treated her, I doubt so." Confessed Wakeel.

"Then drop your ego and pride. You'll be fine. Anyways, can we start over? On better terms." Asked Natasha.

"Sure. I'm Wakeel." Smiled Wakeel.

"Natasha. Nice to meet you. I'm curious though. Do people address you as Prince or your highness or just your name?" Questioned Natasha.

"Depends honestly. My boys call me by my name and during the formal function, they call me by my title. In school, everyone calls me by my name and there's some who called me prince. Anything is fine." Said Wakeel.

"Can I call you mine?" Teased Natasha. Wakeel looked at her and laughed.

"For you? Anything, love." Laughed Wakeel.

" Laughed Wakeel

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