Dayangku Fatimah

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For the next few weeks, Wakeel couldn't stop thinking about Natasha. He wonders if she had eaten her meals or if she's well. He wonders if every night she cries herself to sleep and no one was there to look after her. However, that seems not to be an issue because, throughout her grieving process, Tengku Ahmad was there for her. He made sure that she was comfortable and okay. He did a better job than anyone else could.

Out of his curiosity, Wakeel sends a PI to Malaysia to observe Natasha and report his findings to him. Photos of Tengku Ahmad and Natasha together caught his attention. There was a pure genuine smile on her face, that one that he misses the most. He was happy for her. Happy that she's able to live her life again despite many challenges she faced and losing her child was like a low blow hit to her chest. Wakeel scrolls through his phone and stares at her photos. He misses her. He wants her back.

Tengku Ahmad and Natasha stopped by a cafe after their morning run. It has become their daily routine after the unfortunate events. Press and media have been following them around quite often and now and wherever Tengku Ahmad goes, there are always several bodyguards around him.

Maklumlah, anak raja kan hehe.

Rumours have been spreading around that the Prince of Pahang and Natasha is dating. Some headlines were ridiculous and made Natasha go insane. Who wouldn't? These journalists write up false information about her being divorced from the Prince of Brunei because she was having an affair with the Prince of Pahang. They were misleading and now Tengku Ahmad's fans have been throwing shades at her. News about her kids have already died down and there is still no information as to who the culprit is.

"I'll have pancakes and an iced coffee." Ordered Natasha.

"I'll have toast and scrambled egg with a glass of water." Said Tengku Ahmad to the waiter.

"So, my dearest Natasha, how have you been?" Asked Tengku Ahmad. It has become his routine to check in on her every morning to make sure she's okay.

"Better." Sighed Natasha.

"It doesn't seem like it from your tone."

"I mean, I have redha with my twins gone and stuff like that. But, I don't understand why I'm getting hated on?"

"Lah. Jangan lah fikir pasal dorang. Biase lah media. They like to twist people's words and assume stuff. Dah takmo fikir dorang dah. Fikir pasal I kan lagi bagus." Joked Tengku Ahmad.

"Tiberrrr." Tengku Ahmad laughed.

"I've always wanted to tell you this. You might be a chapter in someone else life but you're a whole book in mine. You will always be my first choice and I want you to know that you have had such a great impact on my life."

"Natasha Erdina, will you go out with me?" Asked Tengku Ahmad, nervously.

Natasha who was taking a sip of her coffee spits it out after she heard what he says. Instantly, he grabs a napkin and passes it to her.

"You don't have to give your answers now. Take as much time as you need. I definitely popped the question at the wrong timing." Murmured Tengku Ahmad.


"I mean, sure. Let's see how far it goes." Smiled Natasha.

Back in Brunei, Wakeel barely talks to his wife or even spend time with Jayden. It was as if his whole world have collided. He was never the same. He became a workaholic and when he's not doing anything, he took a seat on the balcony and stare at the beautiful night sky. In his hand, there will always be a photo of the twins or Natasha.

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