Broken Heart

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A few days later, Natasha was well enough to be discharged from the hospital. Police came by to ask her about her accident but she denied the possibility of being kidnapped, bullied and tortured. She told the police that she was wandering around and got lost. She tried and fell which explains the cut and bruises on her body. Her parents nor the police were convinced but no one pressed on. The entire time, all Natasha could ever think of was Wakeel. The way he looks at her disappoints her. That was the first and the last time he had ever come to visit her. Since then, there's no text or calls from him.

When at home, Natasha sat by her bed and stared at her window. Her parents left her to rest and her dad went back to his office. While she was in her own world, a tear roll down her cheek, unconsciously. Her phone beep indicating that someone is calling her.


"Hey, how are you?" Asked Raziq.

"I'm good." Replied Natasha while faking a smile.

"That's-uh-good to hear. How have you been holding up?"

"I'm trying to not let myself break. Thank you for calling, Raziq. This really means a lot to me." Smiled Natasha.

"No problem. Helping a friend out." Replied Raziq.

"Stay strong, Sha! You can do this. Hit me up if you need anything, yeah?" Continued Raziq.

"Thanks, Raziq."

After Natasha's medical leave was over, she had to go to school the next day. She wasn't prepared to face everyone, especially Wakeel. She was thankful that some of her classmates checks up on her and she no longer became awkward around Raziq anymore. They are friends now. The next day, Natasha arrived at school. Raziq was waiting for her at the drop off point. As she exited the car, she smiled at him.

"Hey." Said Raziq.

"Hi." Replied Natasha.

"You feel better?"

"Yup. Thank you for sticking by me. I mean we weren't close but-uh-you stood by my side." Smiled Natasha.

"No worries. I just didn't understand why he would do that, you know. I mean I'm his best friend and I talked to him every day. I've seen how he liked you and stuff like that. Just didn't know why he ended up with her." Mumbled Raziq.

"We aren't meant to be together then." Stated Natasha. Raziq gave her a forced smile and a side hug.

"Anyways, don't think about him anymore, okay? I'm here."

"Thanks. But, aren't you suppose to be by his side or something?" Asked Natasha. Raziq scratches the back of his head.

"Nah. Since he has started hanging out with that chick, I walk away."

Both of them walked into the school compound. When Natasha walked past the students in the hallway, they would ask how is she and she just smiled at them. As they stood outside the classroom door, Natasha doesn't dare to walk in. Wakeel is her seating partner and the thought of facing him the entire day, suffocates her. Raziq gave her an encouraging smile and both of them walked into the classroom. There he was, sitting on his seat, while Lisa seats on her seat. Both of them were laughing over some stupid stuff he said. It hurts her to see the sight of them together, so perfect and everyone's dream couple. Tears were threatening to fall but Natasha fight it off.

"You can seat with me." Offered Raziq. Natasha nod.

The rest of his squad joined the both of them. Everyone was super nice to her. They managed to make her laugh at their silly jokes. The entire time, Natasha could feel someone was watching her. She knew who it was and pretended that she didn't care. The class was about to start and everyone went back to their designated seat. As Natasha took a seat beside Wakeel, he had a blank expression on his face and he was looking at the whiteboard in front of the class. He didn't say anything. Just kept quiet in his seat.

The entire day, Natasha tried not to break down, especially not in front of him. It was just too much for her. During breaks, Lisa would go up towards him, purposely trying to hurt her. However, the boys were ready to protect her. Every time Lisa did her skit, the boys would walk up towards her and pull her away from him. they would just walk around outside of the classroom and do silly stuff. This happens for every single break of each class. The school bell rang, indicating that school is over. Natasha sighed in relief.

"You ready?" Asked Raziq.


"Let's go."

The boys and Natasha walked out of the class together. All of them were complaining about how hard the maths problem were and she couldn't agree more. Out of a sudden, Ajax appeared in front of her.

"I'm sorry." Said Ajax. The boys became protective and stood in front of Natasha.

"Go away, Ajax." Snarled Raziq.

"I'm talking to her, not you. Get out of my face." Sneered Ajax.

"After everything, you think I want to let her talk to you? No!"

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?" Questioned Ajax.

"If I am, what are you going to do about that?" Challenged Raziq.

"Isn't it enough that you hurt her? Then came another jerk who thinks it's okay to play with her feelings too? What has she ever done to you?" Raziq narrowed his eyes at the worthless guy in front of him.

"Move!" Said Raziq as he pushes him and walked out of the school with Natasha and the boys.

The entire time, Wakeel witnessed the whole scene in front of him. He curled his hand into a fist, suppressing his anger and preventing himself from launching towards Ajax and whacking him. Lisa stood by his side and whispered, "Behave yourself, Wakeel."

Wakeel pushes his way out of the hallway and into the bathroom. he couldn't contain his anger and punched the mirror in front of him. Blood was oozing out of his knuckles and the mirror crack due to his force. He washes his hand and hissed in pain. Wakeel instantly regrets what he did. Ajax walked into the bathroom and saw the whole mess.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from her?" Said Wakeel, in a low voice. Enough to make anyone shiver in fear. Ajax gulped.

"Stay away from her, you jerk!" Yelled Wakeel.

"Consider what you have done to her, why are you still not thrown in jail? Why is a criminal walking freely in school?" Wakeel narrowed his eyes at him.

"Don't blame this all on me. You knew very well who Lisa truly is. Yet, you still play her game." Challenged Ajax.

"She's broken. Not by me. You. You did this to her! The one she has ever loved, hurt her! Someone else had to take your place and comfort her. Shame on you, Wakeel." Said Ajax.

"Stop blaming others and blame yourself for it. You were the cause of everything." Continued Ajax and he walk out of the bathroom, leaving Wakeel all alone, stunned.

" Continued Ajax and he walk out of the bathroom, leaving Wakeel all alone, stunned

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