They're My Heirs

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Wakeel looked out of the window as he waits for his private jet to set off. He's flying off to Malaysia to see Natasha and his twins. He'd realise that not even once did he ever touch, hold or see his twins. It dawns on him that he wasn't being a father figure in their life. On the other hand, Wakeel has been treating Dayangku Fatimah coldly after their little fight. She was reluctant to let him go this morning.

Wakeel places his designer handbag in the foyer. He walks into the dining room dressed up in a denim fitted shirt and dark blue jeans. He took a seat beside Jayden who was gobbling down his food. Across them was Dayangku Fatimah.

"Where are you going?" Asked his wife as she took a bite of her french toast.



Wakeel sighed. "Malaysia."

"WHAT?!" Yelped Dayangku Fatimah.

"No. I won't let you go."

"Why not?" Asked Wakeel, confused.

"I know that you're going to Malaysia to see her right?"

"Fatimah, she's my wife too. Besides, I have not seen my kids yet. I want to claim my rights as their father. I wasn't there when they were born. They are my family too. Can you please be considerate?" Stated Wakeel.

"Considerate?" Laughed Dayangku Fatimah.

"Look at the boy beside you. You barely even spend time with him. That day was the first time that you actually sent him to school. When you're free, you'll play with him. We don't even go on a family staycation that often. When your father mentioned it, then you decide to go." Said Dayangku Fatimah.

"I don't want to fight with you."

"Fine. Do whatever you want to do. I will never accept her as my madu! She's not even at my level. She doesn't have royal blood. Jijik." Replied Dayangku Fatimah before leaving the father and son duo in the dining room.

Wakeel stood in front of Natasha's house. Loud cheers and laughter could be heard from inside the house. A smile crept out his face. He just stood there, on her front porch with his hands in his pockets. He didn't knock on the door or ring the bell. He didn't know how or what he wants to say when he faces her later on. A few minutes goes by and he was still in the same position. Natasha who was about to take the trash out, was surprised to see her 'husband' standing in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Natasha.

"Scratch that. How did you even find me?"

"You know, I'm a prince, right? I have my ways and I have a lot of connections. It was easy." Stated Wakeel. She rolled her eyes.

"Great! Sort of forgetting who you are." Said Natasha, sarcastically.

"I want to see my kids."

Natasha laughed. "Your kids, huh? Are you kidding me? No." Replied Natasha, sternly.

"They are my kids too, Natasha. The blood that runs through them, runs through me too."

"Stop. Just stop, please."

"You lost your title as their father the day you walk out of my life. So, no. I'm not letting you meet MY kids." Disagrees Natasha.

"Gosh! Can you stop being so hard? Everything isn't about you, Natasha. I have never left you. I never did."

"Then where were you? Where were you the last 2 years? You left me just like that. I survived without you and I'm damn well can survive without you now." Pressed Natasha.

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