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Everyone was stunned by Raziq's sudden confession. There was a long pause and he start to become nervous. Deep down, Natasha felt the same way too. She likes him too but she wasn't sure if she wants to do this with him. It wouldn't hurt to try and so she agrees.

"Yes." Smiled Natasha. Raziq smiles broadly and hugs her.

Wakeel who was sitting on the side of the pool suddenly turns in anger. He couldn't watch the scene in front of him but he had to. It was torturing him the fact that his best friend is in a relationship with the girl he loved. He took a deep breath and walk out of the pool. He walked along the beach to calm himself down. Wakeel sat by the sand and take in the view of the calming sea. Suddenly, a flashback hits him. This place was the exact place where he comforted Natasha during her break-up. The place where he started to have feelings for her and promised to protect her. Now, it has just become a memory.

"Why are you here?" Asked Lisa.

"I need some time alone." Stated Prince Wakeel.

"Why, Your Highness? Did she break your heart just now when she agreed to date your best buddy?" Sneered Lisa.

"Shut up."

"Just shut up. Get a hell out of my face." Angered Wakeel.

Natasha and Raziq saw Wakeel leave the whole group. They looked at each other. Raziq whispered, "I'm gonna talk to him." before he could get out of the pool, Natasha stopped him.

"Don't bother. Someone beat you to it." Said Natasha as she nodded her head towards Lisa.

"Besides, you don't owe him any explanation." Smiled Natasha.

Everyone carried on playing in the pool without the presence of the other couple. It's been so long since she had this much fun. Eventually, all things have to come to an end. Everyone washed up and get ready to have a movie night. The boys pick out Fast and Furious 9 to watch. Everyone settled in while Natasha cuddled up with Raziq. Wakeel took a seat on a solo sofa while Lisa took a seat across from him. In the middle of the movie, Natasha excused herself to the bathroom. A minute later, Wakeel did the same way too. He hangs around the corridor, waiting for Natasha.

"You're a whore." Stated Wakeel.

"Excuse me?"

"You're a whore for dating my best friend." Said Wakeel.

"The last time I check, we weren't in some kind of relationship. We were just friends." Stated Natasha.

"Besides, you don't have a say with who I choose to date. Look at yourself! Dating a girl who practically ruined my relationship." Continued Natasha.

"Everyone who's in the right mind would have noticed that I have feelings for you, Natasha!" Argued Wakeel.

"Well, you do have a way of expressing them, don't you?" Replied Natasha. She was about to walk away when Wakeel wrapped his hands around her arms and pulled her towards him, preventing her from entering the room.

"I'm not done." Stated Wakeel.

"Oh, we're so done." Natasha narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you seriously going to behave like this?" Wakeel sighed.

"Please. I love him. He was there for me through my recovery period. He was there for me when I was grieving. He made sure I was okay. You weren't there." Confessed Natasha.

"Before he came along, I was there for you. I did all those things to you. You're just gonna fall in love with a guy who helped you? I know those feelings you have for him is fake. It's me, you truly want. Not him." Stated Wakeel.

"Can't you just move on? Accept the reality. I came to terms that you are not meant for me. I wish you well and happy with Lisa." Natasha mumbled.

Before she enters the room, Wakeel said, "You knew I've never loved her. Not even a little."

In anger, Wakeel punched the wall next to him. He can't play this game anymore. Every single day, all he could ever think of was Natasha. Yes, he wasn't there for her, physically, during her recovery period or during her grieving but he made sure she was okay. He plotted with Raziq to be her knight in shining armour. He told Raziq to do this and that and made sure to update him on her progress. Wakeel couldn't physically do that himself because he knew that crazy obsessive girl would try to do the stupidest thing and end up hurting Natasha. He had to stand back and watch his best friend do his work.

"I was there for you, Nat. I've seen everything. I'm sorry I was too coward for not showing up when I know you needed me the most. I couldn't bear to see you hurt anymore. That day, was my last straw. I'm sorry if I hurt you. You will always have a special place in my heart." Whispered Wakeel.

" Whispered Wakeel

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