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Natasha waited for her husband return. Each day, she look at the front door, hoping that Wakeel would come through that door. She waited for days, weeks and months and yet there's still no presence of him. She tried to call him however each time, he doesn't pick up. It seems as though he had changed his number. Natasha was left completely all alone in England with no one else. She doesn't have anyone here to help her. The news got out a couple of months ago that she's pregnant with twins. The person who used to be her strength and her happiness isn't there with her.

Every day she cried and there was no one who is there to help comfort her or wipe away her tears. She misses him but there's nothing she could do about it. Natasha caresses her growing stomach and smiles weakly.

"Mummy loves you. Be good okay? I'll see you soon, my little angels." Said Natasha.

Natasha tried to think positive about the reason why her husband is still not back in her arms yet. Probably because His Majesty appointed him to be a minister, show his face to the public as not to appear arrogant or unhelpful. In general, try to be a friendly and caring Prince. In the end, she gave up waiting but will always open her arms to her husband.

The last check-up shows a healthy sign for both babies and the mum. Natasha has few weeks left before it's her due date. She has prepared everything in advance, just in case the twins decide to come out early. Natasha was cleaning the house when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She grabbed on the tabletop while holding her stomach and closes her eyes. Liquids flow between her legs, forming a pool of water of some sort.

"No, no. It's not your time yet." Stated Natasha.

By the time she arrived in school, she was instantly put into the labour room. Natasha was fully dilated. There was a lot of nurses surrounding her while the doctor take a look at her cervix.

"Where's your husband, Miss?" Asked one of the nurses.

"He's not here. He went back to his hometown." Replied Natasha.

"Okay, Ma'am. It's time for you to push. One, two, three, push!!"

"ARGHHHHHHH!" Screamed Natasha.

Tears roll down her cheeks from the extreme pain. She did a couple of pushes before the doctor told her that she could see the head of the baby. With one last push, her first baby came out crying. Natasha laid down on her bed in defeat.

"Ma'am, you can't stop now. There's still one more child." Stated the doctor.

Natasha gripped onto the railings of the bed and push as hard as she could. The cries were enough to indicate the end of her hardship. She swears that this will be the last time that she will ever give birth and if Wakeel wants to have another child, he could give birth to them himself. The nurse then places both twins on top of Natasha's chest. She cried in tears of joy and smile at the sight of her twins.

"Welcome to the world, twin! I'm so happy to see you." Cried, Natasha. She places a kiss on each of her twins.

That night, Natasha tried to call her husband to break the news on their bundle of joy however, just like before, he never answered. It was tough on her to take care of the twins as when one cries the other follow suit. It drives her nuts sometimes but whenever she looks at them, everything changes. It seems everything is going to be alright.

"Abdul Shakeel Bolkiah and Syaqeerah Erdina Bolkiah." Said Natasha. She tried to name them as similar to her husband's name.

2 years later ...

Finally, Natasha has completed her studies. She can't wait to go back to Brunei and see her husband and break the news to him and her parents. On her graduation day, she took a memorable photo of herself in a gown with her twins. She called up her parents that she will be coming back home soon and they were excited to see her. Natasha packed the last few pieces of stuff in her apartment before shipping it back home. She stumbled onto her wedding photo and smile.

"I miss you, Mr Husband." Stated Natasha.

"M-m-mummy." Said Shakeel.

"Hey, handsome. Take a look at this. This your daddy." Smiled Natasha.

"D-d-dada." Natasha chuckles at her son's pronunciation.

It was time for Natasha and her twins to fly back home. She woke up a little late and now she's rushing to catch her flight. It takes 23 hours and 20 minutes to reach Brunei from London. However, having a twin who is barely old enough on a long flight will put a toll on her body. She was thankful that the flight have 1 stop, hence, it will not be as bad as it looks.

As the plane touches down, Natasha walk out of the airport and took a good deep breath. She misses it. She misses her home. It's been too long for her. She took a look at her surroundings and noted that there's some changes. Once that was used to be an open field are now occupied with buildings.

"Alright, twins. Let's meet your father." Said Natasha.

Natasha hail down a taxi. She got on and told the driver her location to Istana Nurul Iman. The driver furrows his eyebrow but drives her there anyways.

"Is this your first time in Brunei?" Asked the driver.

"Oh no. I live here. Just came back home after completing my studies back in the UK." Replied Natasha.

"I see. Your kids?"

"Yes. Mine and my husband's." Smiled Natasha.

"A lot of change here." Noted Natasha.

"Yup. Even the last son of His Majesty is married now. The couple has a son together." Stated the driver.

Natasha raised her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Asked Natasha.

"Prince Wakeel married Dayangku Fatimah, his distant cousin, 2 years ago. I think right after he came back from the UK." Explained the driver.

Natasha froze.

"No. This cannot be happening." Whispered Natasha.

" Whispered Natasha

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