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Behind that soft boy look, there is something that no one knows about it. Ajax and Wakeel have a history together. He was once Wakeel's best friend. Both of them grew up together and it is safe to say that Ajax is his childhood friend. As part of growing up, he spends most of his time at  Wakeel's place where he was then introduced to his sister, Ameerah. Behind the occasion playdate, sparks begin to form between Ajax and Wakeel's little sister. 2 years ago, everyone knew Ajax and Ameerah were dating and they were the cutest couple. Up until recently, news of the couple broke up shocked everyone. Since then, Ajax has stopped communicating and hanging out with  Wakeel. Both of them suddenly became cold with each other. Everyone was eager to find out what happened between them and rumours spread around. It became unbearable when the rumour spread was because Ameerah cheated on Ajax however, Prince Wakeel knew the whole truth.

Both boys walked out of the dean's office. It's the lunch period and Natasha was waiting for Ajax in the hallway. She was looking around, waiting patiently. There's a lot of questions that she wants to ask most importantly she want to see his injuries.  Wakeel walked away first and as he passes by Natasha, he just looks at her. There was nothing in his eyes, just empty and cold.

"Jax, you okay? What did the dean say?" Asked Natasha, concerned.

"I'm fine, Nat. He punches like a girl. Anyways, I've got a suspension for a week but there's no surprise that he got away with it." Smiled Ajax.

"What did he get?"

"Warning." Shrugged Ajax.

"That's not fair!" Angered Natasha.

"It's the reality."

Both of them made their way to the cafeteria. Natasha had her first aid kit on standby, tending to Ajax wound. After which, Ajax left the school compound to serve his suspension period. Natasha stormed off towards Wakeel who was busy laughing and making loud noise at the far back of the cafeteria.

"Having fun, huh? Putting someone else in jeopardy makes you happy?" Yelled Natasha.

"What are you trying to imply?" Asked  Wakeel.

"Thanks to you, Ajax got suspended and you got away with just a warning? It should have been you. You like to cause trouble and hurt people around you." Explained Natasha.

"You don't know anything." Said Wakeel, in a low voice.

"I don't know anything? I know a lot of things."

"No, you don't."

"Try me."

Wakeel grabbed Natasha's arm and yank her towards him. "Stay away from him." Threatened Wakeel.

"Or what?" Challenged Natasha.

"Or you will regret it." Wakeel stood up and push Natasha aside. He walked out of the cafeteria with his group of friends in anger.

Natasha still couldn't let it go. As all of the students return back to their classes, she walked alongside with her best friend. Lisa asked why did she confront Wakeel like that and she replied that she wasn't happy with how things ended. Lisa told Natasha that there's nothing she couldn't do about it and suck it up. That night she called up Ajax.

"How are you holding up?" Asked Natasha.

"Good. I've been playing games and Netflix and chill." Laughed Ajax.

"Seems fun."

"Yeah. Yourself? I've heard you had some altercation with your seating partner today at the cafeteria." Said Ajax.


"What's up?"

"I wasn't happy that he got away just fine and you got the worse." Stated Natasha.

"You know, I was the one who threw the first punch at him. Not Wakeel." Confessed Ajax. Natasha widens her eyes in shock.

"But why?"

"I told him to stay away from you. Stop disturbing you or pulling pranks on you. He wasn't happy and challenged me." Said Ajax.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I like you, Nat. Since the first day I met you, I couldn't just look away. There's something about you that attracts me." Smiled Ajax. Natasha was speechless. She doesn't know what to say. Ajax scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I-uh. I don't know what to say." Muttered Natasha.

"You don't have to give me an answer now." Replied Ajax.

Natasha smiled. Both of them tried this new phase of dating and see how it goes. So far, Natasha has slowly opened her heart to Ajax. Every day during his suspension period, he would accompany Natasha to school and pick her up. After school ends, Natasha would eagerly be waiting for Ajax. He would bring various gifts for her such as chocolates, roses and candies. It will always put a smile on her face. Almost towards the ends of Ajax suspension, he waited outside the school with red roses in his hands. The couple decided to watch movies together. As Natassha saw Ajax, she walks quickly towards him and hugged him.

"I miss you." Smiled Natasha. Ajax places a kiss on her forehead.

"I miss you too. Some flowers for a beautiful lady." Said Ajax.

"Aw. Thank you."

"I'll love you till the last roses die." Stated Ajax.

"Babe, all of these are fake." Furrowed Natasha.

"Exactly." Laughed Ajax. 

Natasha slapped his chest as she blushes on her partner successful romantic attempt to woes her. Wakeel and his group of friends were walking out of the school compound. He saw what the duo was doing and he just stared at Ajax. At the corner of his eyes, Ajax notices him. He purposely brought Natasha close to him and hugged her. There was a faint glimpse of jealously written on Wakeel's face however he changes his expression to smug. Ajax smiled in victory.

"So, after this what? You gonna hurt her like what you did to others?" Snickered Wakeel.

"Walk away, Wakeel. Can't you just mind your own business?" Stated Natasha as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"It's okay, baby. He's jealous because he can't have you." Said Ajax as he kisses Natasha on her cheeks.

"Be careful with this snake. Don't say I didn't warn you, Tasha." Smirked Wakeel as he walks away.

"Since when did he start calling you cute names?" Asked Ajax.

"Uh, since the second day of school. Don't worry about it. He purposely doing that to make you all angry. You know I love you, right?" Said Natasha. Ajax smiled.

Natasha on the other hand couldn't shake the feeling on uneasiness when she heard what Wakeel said. She wanted to ask Ajax what was he talking about but she didn't want to ruin their relationship. For all she knows, Wakeel just wanted to ruin their relationship since everyone knew who he really is. However, there's something that tells her that Wakeel might be true. Natasha pushes the little thoughts away. Little did she know, something big will happen to her if only, just this once, she paid attention and acknowledge what the bad boy said. By the time she realises it, it was too late.

 By the time she realises it, it was too late

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