Pair Assignment

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It's almost the end of the day and Natasha was really looking forward to the weekend. It's tiring to keep with the bad boy and his unthinkable pranks. At one point, she felt like beating him up. Thanking God for the weekends where she does not need to face Wakeel. The school bell rang and Natasha sighed in relief.

"Hold on, kids, Before you go, I have something for you to do during the weekends." Said their Literature teacher. Everyone groans.

"Aw, come on. Weekends are supposed for us to relax and chill." Stated Wakeel.

"As I was saying, I have an assignment for each and every one of you. It's a paired work. Since every one of you is seated in pairs, your seating partners will be your team member." Continued their Literature teacher. Natasha widens her eyes in disbelief.

"Pick a play and present it next week on what it is all about. That's it, enjoy your weekends." Smiled their Literature teacher.

Natasha turns to look at her seating and there he is, smiling at her mischievously. She rolled her eyes. She can't stand another day with him with his childish behaviour. The thought of discussing the assignment with him during the weekends made her groan.

"So, I'll be seeing you around much more often." Smirked Wakeel.

"Shut up."

"How do you want to do this? Meet up during the weekends so I can see your beautiful face all week?" Smiled Wakeel.

"Ew, no. Just do it through Skype." Told Natasha.

The next day, Natasha went to Starbucks to do her assignment. As promised, she and her partner will be discussing their topics of choice today through Skype. Natasha orders a Mocha Frappucino and sat by a booth at the far corner of the cafe. She set up her laptop and scrolled through various plays and pick some to discuss it with Wakeel. They have promised to call each other at 1 pm and now it's just 12.30 pm. She still has half an hour more before their promised meeting time. Natasha took a sip of her drink and look out the window, admiring the beauty. Suddenly, a guy knock on her table and smiled at her. She instantly knew who he was.

"Hey, Jax! What are you doing here?" Asked Natasha. Ajax is one of Natasha's classmates and practically her best friend now.

"Hey. Need a breath. What about you?" Replied Ajax.

"Sit down. Just waiting for my partner to call so we can start discussing our assignment. How's your assignment going?" Smiled Natasha.

Ajax is a soft boy and he is equally handsome. He has helped her in terms of settling down in school perfectly well and dealing with the bad boy. Without him and Lisa, Natasha doesn't know who she's going to get through her school year. Comparing him and  Wakeel, Wakeel is much hotter and good looking. However, if only he doesn't act all cool and bad boy, Natasha might just fall in love with him. She referred to Ajax by his nickname because she felt comfortable with him each other and hugging became their thing. They hugged when they meet each other or said their goodbyes. Natasha looked at Ajax in awe and she instantly she's falling in love with him. He's the first guy to ever make her feel this way. The sound of someone calling her snapped her back to reality. Looking at her laptop screen, she saw Prince Wakeel calling her. With a sigh, she answered the call.

"Sup." Said Wakeel. Natasha just nodded.

"I've picked out a few plays that we could work on. Just choose which one you want and then we can work on it." Replied Natasha.

"Chill, girl. Let's talk about something else before we start doing it. What's the rush?" Stated Wakeel.

"Coming from a jerk and probably trynna freeload someone else work and credit it as his own." Chuckled Ajax. Natasha laughed.

"Who's that?" Hissed Wakeel. Ajax took a seat beside Natasha and she turns her laptop to face him. Ajax smirked at the camera.

"You have a problem with me, boy? Come and talk to me. Don't hide behind a girl." Angered Wakeel.

"Stop, what's wrong with you? Why do you wanna fight with everyone? Can you please just do your work?" Begged Natasha. 

Wakeel glared at his screen, could shake off the feeling of anger within him. He swears to god that he wants to punch Ajax in the face. After the little ordeal, both of them managed to finish off the assignment without any issues. Wakeel only replied to Natasha when needed and all of his answers were short. She knew Ajax had struck a nerve but she let it go. She believes Wakeel should behave himself and not get into trouble then again, he's privileged.

"Stay away from him, Nat." Said Ajax.

"I will." Assured Natasha.

Monday finally came round and Natasha was excited to meet her friends. She meets up with her friends at the locker area and gossip about their weekends. She narrowed her eyebrows when she didn't see Ajax. She asked around but no one sees him. Suddenly one of the students ran to one of her friends and said that there's a commotion in the hallway. Everyone rushes towards to hallways to see what was going on. Natasha by past all of the people to get a front view of the commotion and what she saw, stunned her. Wakeel and Ajax were fighting. Blood and bruises can clearly be seen on each of their faces. Natasha rushes forward to stop them. She pushes Ajax to the side but he was too strong. Some of the students jumped in and helped her.

"Come here, big boy. I'm not done yet." Yelled Wakeel.

"You think I'm afraid of you just because you're a prince? Do you think that you're untouchable? You'd always get that privileged card whenever you're in trouble. What? You gonna hide behind your daddy again?" Sneered Ajax.

"Son of a bitch." Snarled Wakeel. Before Ajax could say anything, the discipline master stopped the boys. Each sent to his office.

"Hey, You're bleeding!" Stated Natasha as she looks at Ajax.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." Smiled Ajax.

"What was that all about?" Questioned Natasha.

"I'll tell you later."


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