Natasha's Birthday Party

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It's been a few months since the incident and Natasha have never spoken to Ajax or Lisa ever since. Wakeel and Natasha went back to how there once were. Him being a jackass and the non-stop pulling pranks on her and all she did was smack him when things became too unbearable. They too didn't bring up what Wakeel shared that night. It was as if nothing had happened. Since the incident, some of the students apologise to her for being mean and genuinely wanted to be her friend and for that, she was thankful.

Natasha's birthday was just around the corner and every year without fail, she would throw a birthday back home. However, this time around, it's different. She didn't want to throw a birthday party, not when her hometown best friend isn't there with her. She didn't have the mood. Nevertheless, her parents were persistent and wanted to throw the birthday party. To them, it's a ritual. Natasha sighed in defeat. She knew no matter how many times she tried to bargain, she will always be at the losing end.

"Hey." Said Natasha.

"Chicka. Fancy seeing you trying to make small talk with me." Replied Wakeel, sarcastically.

"Shut up. Will there be ever a day where you will for once behave yourself? Or you were just born with it?" Natasha rolled her eyes.

"OHHHHHHH." Said Wakeel's friends.

"Anyways, out of the goodness of my heart, I am inviting you over to my birthday party. Come if you want to." Continued Natasha.

"For you, I'll clear my schedule. Just tell me when and where. I'll be there." Smiled Wakeel.

"Whatever." Muttered Natasha.

A lot of Natasha's classmates attended her birthday party and she was grateful. Among the crowd, she was looking for one particular person. The person who never fails to annoy her with his stupid pick up lines and jokes but at the same time put a smile on her face. The only person who had her back when everyone turned their backs on her. The only person she trusts. Wakeel. She failed to spot him.

"Looking for me?" Smiled Wakeel. 

Natasha turned around and saw him. Her face instantly lit up. He's wearing a navy polo t-shirt and paired it with blue jeans. His hair was combed neatly but he let it fall to both of his sides which gives him that centre parting style. Wakeel notices that Natasha was checking him out and there was a smug plastered on his face.

"You done?" Smirked Wakeel. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Glad that you could make it." Stated Natasha.

"Told you. I wouldn't miss it for anyone else."

"Yeah, right. Thanks for coming."

"No problem. Happy Birthday, Tasha. Here's your present." Said Wakeel.

"You don't have to." Replied Natasha.

Wakeel simply shrugged. Natasha open the present carefully and her eyes widen in shock when she saw what he gave her. The classic all-white Air Force 1. She couldn't believe it. Natasha has always wanted to own it but her parents wouldn't buy it for her. The reason because she has lots of sneakers from various brands and they didn't want to waste their money on another shoe for her. In excitement, she hugged Wakeel. Her actions caught him off guard. A moment later, he hugged her back.

"Thank you so much." Said Natasha repeatedly as she pulls away from Wakeel.

"No problem."

As Natasha walks away to greet other people, he walked over to her empty living room and sat on one of the sofas. Everyone was in the backyard, enjoying and having a good time. Kids were jumping in the swimming pool and floats of various shapes and sizes were floating around the swimming pool. Wakeel tried to calm himself down. His heart was racing from the previous sudden contact with Natasha. He didn't understand the feeling he's having right now. He looked over at Natasha who was laughing with his group of friends and a sense of jealously hits him. Wakeel furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you falling in love with her?" Thought Prince Wakeel. Natasha notices Wakeel who was all alone in the living room. She walks inside to find out why.

"Hey, Why are you here, alone?" Asked Natasha.


"Uh, okay. Anyways, it's cake cutting soon so let's head out." Said Natasha.

Both of them walked out to the backyard just in time for the cake cutting ceremony. Wakeel met up with the rest of his boys. While everyone was singing a 'Happy Birthday' song, Raziq words made him freeze. He told Wakeel that he has fallen in love with the beauty and he shakes his head in denial. Raziq just smiles at his buddy.

That night, Natasha was video calling her best friend, Melissa. She told her best friend about her birthday party, down to the little details. Throughout her rants, Melissa smile. She knew what was going on and played along with it. All Natasha ever talked about was Wakeel. Wakeel here, Wakeel there. She stops in her mid-sentence when she notices her best friend smiling like an idiot.

"What are you smiling at?" Asked Natasha in confusion.

"I wanna meet this Prince of yours. All night, you've been talking about him. What's so amazing about him, that my best friend keeps on talking about him." Smirked Melissa. There was a glint of blush appeared on both of Natasha.

"Girl, you're falling head over heels on this dude." Said Melissa.

"You love him."


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