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You wave a thanks to the boat owner that shipped you and a bunch of other people, some foreigners and some locals with their schoolchildren or stock to sell, from the Greek mainland to Kalokairi. You've never seen this many people coming onto the island; Donna must've really done up her hotel from the last time you were here.

Two years ago, the last time you came to Kalokairi before you soared to new heights as a manager and gathered enough money to buy a house as a shelter for the needy, the hotel Donna owns was up and running, but an unorganised mess.

But now... you stare in awe at the brightly painted new blue window shutters and fairy lights strung in the trees around the main entrance for guests, making the Villa Donna hotel sparkle in the midday sun.
The midday sun also creates almost unbearable midday heat, which you somehow forgot about.

"Y/N!!" your twin screams, and it can only be your twin, because who else would push past her own staff to sprint like a race dog out the door and jump onto you!
You laugh delightfully and whirl her around like you do with Sophie, and your sister laughs in glee.

"Donna, oh my God!" you say, still laughing, and she nods.
"I know! Looks better, right?"
"Definitely, cuz no offense, but," you look around and remember the falling apart place this used to be, which is now also falling apart but lesser and with a new lick of paint, "last time I was here, the place was kind of..." you trail off, biting your lip as you both grin at each other.

Donna laughs uproariously and pushes you lightly, like when you were children, and you do the same. After you two have had the space to live your own lives separately, everything you two had in the past has been smoothed over and you two are best friends as well as close sisters. You've even picked back up a little twin-intuition - either that, or the feeling of brave fear about her daughter is coming off of her in waves.

You venture delicately, "How's Sophie?" and Donna takes a soft breath in before doing an overdramatic pantomime phew.
"It's mad, honestly: my daughter goes off and gets a boyfriend, and then only a year later she comes up to me and says he's proposed! Like, oh my god - how am I meant to react? Sophie is so like me and you in so many ways, but I don't think either of us are like her in the way she wants this one partner forever, she wants this huge wedding, she wants to get married to someone after only a year, let alone married at all! I mean, we never thought about being with anyone besides our sister, did we?"

To be honest, no, you never thought about settling down. Meeting Mr (or Mrs) Right and getting married and having babies and walking off into the sunset? Totally not you, even when you had a partner years ago whom you thought was the One: you've always been very used to sustaining yourself, and if not just you then your twin and her child; a partner never seemed to fit that narrative.
You just can't really see yourself being a wife.

And anyway, whoever you liked when you were younger, they were always taken by Donna. Perhaps you got used to being single because you got used to your sister being the one with partners?

With a snap in front of your face you realise Donna's talking to you.
"Sorry, what?"
She sighs in exasperation, like the spoiled child she used to be. "Never mind. Can you just help me plan the wedding? Sophie has no idea what she's doing."
"Uh, neither do you?"
"I know, but at least all three of us could pitch in. And you're really good at planning - you're a manager, remember?"

You nod, and Donna grabs your wrist to make you drop your bags and pulls you round the outside of the hotel to the back where the old goathouse and the family house is. You run with her, at some point along the way dropping your suitcase and losing your thick hairband, feeling frizzy tendrils of your hair snaking across your face and the warm breeze on your cheeks.

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