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Bill's POV

I'm pacing around the deck the next morning, fingers laced together behind my back and a furrowed look on my face. Every so often I look out to the dock and the island behind.

Y/N's out there somewhere. Waking up to a day as beautiful as her. Picking delicious fruit from the trees as breakfast.


She won't be soon.

I have to tell her. I'll admit, I'm a fantastically perfect liar: I've lied about my shoe size, my age, where I live - but I can't seem to lie to her. She's too... Y/N to lie to. Looking at her expectant yet bemused face I always seem to tell her what I'm thinking. Nobody I've ever been with has been able to do that.

My reverie is interrupted by a shout and I focus on a figure running at warp speed onto the wooden port. She's waving madly and her face is half covered by a tangled mess of sunny hair that's escaped from her ponytail. In her hand is a picnic basket.

She made a picnic. This is going to sting even more.

Your POV

This morning you woke up early in Donna's bed next to her, which surprised you as you thought you'd have gone back to Bill's after your nap; after you realised you had slept for the rest of that day, you decided to pick fruit for your boyfriend this morning. To say thank you for amusing your sister when she was down. And as an apology for being such an uptight bitch the previous day. Looking back into your memory, it can't have been that bad, can it?

"Bill!" you shout when you get to the edge of his boat, breathless but laughing, "I woke up before Donna so I nabbed her picnic basket so I thought we could have a fresh lunch that isn't fish for once."

Bill nods and smiles, but you catch the slight wobble of the corners of his mouth. Is something wrong?
You shake the feeling out of your head and extend a hand for him to pull you up onto the deck of the boat. He does and when you're safely on pulls you into him, arms fastened over you as if he's afraid of letting you go.

You twist in his arms to kiss him and that's when he seems to forget whatever has captured his thoughts; he turns you more opposite him and you lean into the kiss more, deepening it and feeling his tongue ever so slightly slip into yours the way he knows by now that you like.

You smile against his mouth at this and, something unfurling inside you, gingerly wander your hands underneath his shirt to feel his torso for the first time. He feels almost burning hot to the touch, but the breeze is hitting harshly so you welcome it and press yourself even more against him. He oddly stiffens for a microsecond, then secures his hands around your butt and picks you up. Unused to but kinda into this, you offer the ghost of an excited laugh and latch onto him properly, and he starts walking to the entrance to below deck with you on him.

You get downstairs, he lets go of you and you gently push him against the nearest wall, and your lips and hands find each other again. As you slowly pull off his shirt you start thinking: could you?

Could you actually have sex with Bill, right here, right now?

You've been dating for two weeks now, and you don't know for sure but something is telling you he really likes you. Like, really likes you, and not in a love-you-and-leave-you kind of way.

You feel his arms wrapped round your waist, keeping you safe but not letting you go, firm yet soft hold, and think...

You think so. Yeah. You think you will.

Bill's POV

Nothing else matters apart from Y/N's lips on mine, her hands on my chest, the feel of her waist.

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