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Your POV

You're both walking through the marketplace in Kalokairi again, this time in the cool evening, swinging your arms together like children and Bill pointing out nice things for you to photograph.

"Hey," he points with his free arm over to a small building that seems familiar, "it's my favourite bar! Do you wanna get a drink?"
You nod, smiling, and the two of you stroll through the open wooden doors.

The entire place is almost completely packed, with people up on the stage singing loudly and offtune. Bill laughs out loud and has to shout to you, "I forgot, it's karaoke night!"

The man with long black curly hair behind the bar greets you with a broad grin. "Ah, Donna! How are you! Ooh, another man with you today, eh? Good for you!"
It dawns on you that this is the same bar you found Donna with a guy in just over a week ago, and you laugh and reply apologetically, "Sorry, sir, you're referring to my sister - I'm Y/N, Donna's twin!"
The man's expression turns into one of surprise and he laughs. "I am so sorry, Miss! You look exactly like your sister! What do you want, you two? It's on the house - as apologies!"

You thank him profusely and, as Bill orders you both drinks, you watch the people onstage. The staff accompanying the volunteers' songs don't seem to need any cues or knowledge beforehand about what song this is or what chord they're meant to be playing - the people just nominate others or themselves to get up onstage and sing, and everyone goes along with it.

You smile with a tiny laugh that comes out of your nostrils: it looks like such fun; of course, you'd never have the guts to do it yourself, but a girl can dream.

Bill appears in your vision to hand you a whisky which you sip as you two lean against the bar. When the person onstage finishes with a twirl everybody claps, and you all whoop in support of the stranger. It seems that on this island, though, nobody is a stranger anymore. You're so integrated with everyone and everything in just over a week, you can actually for once imagine staying here.

Bill clears his throat next to you, turns his head to you, and says casually yet with a hint of nervousness, "So when are you going to go up there?"
You stare at him, bewildered. "No!" you protest close to his ear amongst the hubbub, "I could never do that! Go up and sing in front of everyone - that's something my sister would do, thank you very much!"
You scoff to illustrate your point and down the rest of your whisky to ask for another, just to get out of this conversation, but Bill puts his mouth close to your ear again in an admittedly seductive way and says, "But you're an amazing singer, and your sister is not here."

You glance at his face looking all hopeful and warm, and scratch your cheek. You look to the stage, where a couple is in the middle of a duet, then back to him.
He offers a small smile and whispers, "You're sensational, Y/N - and you deserve to know that."

You again glance at the stage, sipping on your second whisky and touching your tree spirit necklace for safety. The people on there look so happy, so alive.

You think back to all the times you've been upstaged by your ridiculously talented sister: talent shows; end of year performances; even the first time you met Bill when she launched headfirst into a duet with your boyfriend.

Well, after all that spotlight you haven't had, why shouldn't you get it now?

You stay quiet until the couple have finished, down the rest of your second whisky, and wait until the clapping has died down and the staff onstage ask who is next for you to shout brazenly, "Me!"

The crowd turn to look at you, including Bill standing next to you with his eyes wide.
The staff member onstage asks, "Donna?" and you reply,
"No. I'm Y/N, nobody and nothing else," before you set your empty glass down on the bar and start walking purposefully to the stage.

Every so often you glance back at Bill, who is still staring at you like you've grown an extra backbone with a dropped but upwardly curved mouth, conveying shock and delight. These two whiskies might have gotten you more confident, but you doubt it'll last long enough for you to finish the song.

You stand with now wobbly legs onto the stage, and survey everyone watching expectantly. Still leaning casually on the bar, Bill gazes up at you with an asmiring small smile and wide blue eyes.

You're scared stiff; how can you do this? It's always Donna who does this, you're always upstaged, you don't know how to sing by yourself!

All of a sudden, you get hit with a flash of inspiration and say into the mic on its stand, "Bill, I will if you will."

The crowd laugh and coo as he actually starts walking and gets up onto the stage and collects a second mic next to you, grinning goofily.
He asks into the mic, "What do you want to sing?" and you slyly reply,
"Surprise me."

His smile grows even larger, and you snatch the mic from its stand as he walks over to the side of the stage, points at you, and begins to sing. When you realise the song, you laugh and watch him sing his part:

"I wasn't jealous before we met,
Now every man that I see is a potential threat,
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice,
You've heard me say that smoking was my only vice,"

He produces a totally illegal marijuana cigarette from his pocket and pretends to smoke it, and slinks across the stage to gradually draw you into him.

"But now it isn't true,
Now everything is new,
And all I've learned, has overturned,
I beg of you..."

You leap straight into the short chorus, letting him slowly twirl you into his body, laughing silently:

"Don't go wasting your emotion,
Lay all your love on me..."

You let go of his hand twirling you around and walk backwards around the stage, beckoning him to you with a finger whilst everyone in the place laughs and coos joyfully.

"It was like shooting a sitting duck,
A little small talk, a smile and baby, I was stuck,
I still don't know what you've done to me,
A grown woman should never fall so easily,"

You walk to him and place a hand on his chest, the two of you an arm's length away to the sounds of whoops from the crowd. You smile slyly and keep singing:

"I feel a kind of fear,
When I don't have you near,
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride,
I beg you dear..."

And the two of you begin to sing:

"Don't go wasting your emotion,
Lay all your love on me,
Don't go sharing your devotion,
Lay all your love on me..."

Bill grins, eyes locked and sizzling on yours, as you sing the next lines, walking with a brand new seductive confidence:

"I've had a few little love affairs,
They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce,"

And Bill finishes off the verse with his lines, still looking into your eyes as he walks to you:

"I used to think that was sensible,
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible,"

And he meets you at the side of the stage and you finish off the song together, smiling at each other, forgetting everyone else in the place for just a moment:

"Cuz everything is new,
And everything is you,
And all I've learned, has overturned,
What can I do?

Don't go wasting your emotion,
Lay all your love on me,
Don't go sharing your devotion,
Lay all your love on me,

Don't go wasting your emotion,
Lay all your love on me,
Don't go sharing your devotion,
Lay all your love on me!"

The crowd erupts, laughing and whooping and commenting on you, but although you both hear it, you don't look away from each other for a long moment.

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