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You stroll about the big park in Paris near the Eiffel Tower, every so often taking pictures with your camera. It's industry-level standard - Mum got it for your eleventh birthday from a film set after you asked her for a Barbie castle. Go figure.

You're not a professional or anything; just an amateur loving the practice. Whenever you can, you print out the pictures and stick them in a private scrapbook. It reminds you that you can go wherever you want, despite Donna's impressive leadership and persuasion skills - if you really want to, you can be the one that makes the decisions. Of course, that hasn't happened yet, but you're sure it will some day.

Letting the camera hang round your neck, you bunch your hair up in an extra thick hairband to contain its frizziness. Feeling it slip through your fingers, you smile to yourself: not even Donna's hair is this big, this unattainable.

"Y/N! Y/N!" You hear your twin call from across the other side of the park - man, that girl can shout. You see her dragging that guy, Harry, behind her.
"Hey, hey Y/N," she says breathlessly, "So, I'm going to go to dinner at this really lovely place Harry knows tonight, just a small thing, nothing serious, but I was just wondering what you were planning to do?"
You tilt your head to one side, allowing the snark to overflow. "Well, I was originally thinking that I would spend time with my sister seeing as she was the only one who wanted me here, but as I have just recently discovered she is unfairly unavailable, I guess I'll just be going back to our shared hotel room and wallowing in my own self pity."

Donna sighs pensively. "Come on, don't make me be the bad guy here."
You stare at her. "You are the bad guy here! You're leaving your own flesh and blood in an unknown place so you can feast on some flesh of your own!"
She frowns. "Hey, I am not gonna have sex with him! I just met him! We're just gonna have a meal together, and chat, and exchange pleasantries-"
"Yeah, that's not the only thing you'll be exchanging," you talk back bitterly.

Donna twists her face into shock and disgust. "Look, if you're gonna be that silly about it, come with us."
You scoff, "So I can watch you two play footsie under the table? No ta!"
She wrings her hands around her face in frustration. "Oh my God, just come with us! Okay?! Nobody is gonna be doing any foreplay, I promise! I know he's your type, and although he's a sweetheart he doesn't really seem interested in you, but I'm really not gonna do anything with him. I promise."

She holds out her hand, and you raise an eyebrow. A Donna promise. Not always a very grounded promise, and nearly always broken. But, you think as you look around at everyone either in a couple or groups, you haven't really any alternative.
"Fine," you sigh and clasp her hand, and she shakes it emphatically, grinning wildly. She turns round just as Harry catches up with the two of you.
"You're really fast," he pants.


You sigh for the billionth time, chin almost resting on the table. In front of you Donna is chatting enthusiastically to Harry, who is eating whilst staring in awe at her. You massage your temples to try and ease off the boredom; the only reason you're still here is because Donna secretly promised you the guitar Harry for some reason bought for her, and free food.

You push away your plate, and just hear the tail end of his first sentence in a while: "...of us spending the night together."
You and Donna both choke in surprise: this mild mannered young man being so brave as to proposition her? You honestly never saw that one coming, although being around Donna has always caused people to be more crazy than normal.
"Okay," Donna puts down her drink, "bold move."
"Because, you see, from where I'm sitting," Harry says, still looking deep into your sister's eyes because apparently you don't exist anymore, "it seems to be, pretty much, all upside with very little reason not to just crack straight on."

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