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Bill's POV

I tie up my boat on the docks, deliberately not looking at the other side of the wooden jetty lest more memories of that night ten months ago stab my heart and gut once again, and check I have everything in my bag before starting the climb up to Aunt Sophia's. I haven't seen her since the day I left, the day I broke Y/N's heart, so she might be a little crabby.

She also might chastise me because this is the first time I've brought her her favourite British snack Wagon Wheels in, like, years.

As I walk up the steps to the hill she lives on I overlook the entire island and feel yet another sharp knife in my chest. I haven't dared come back to Kalokairi since Y/N left because it brings back too many bad memories. It reminds me of how much she loved me, and how stupid I was to commit the one crime that would make sure she would cease to like me henceforth - sleeping with her twin sister.

Of course I know in hindsight I shouldn't've done it, I knew straight after I did it, but the worst thing about knowing that is the fact that I can never tell her, because of course now she'll never step foot on this island again; even if Donna is still here, Y/N is never going to come back here for the same reasons I haven't til now. I'll never see her again, meaning she'll never give me a chance to show her I will truly do anything to make her know and believe I am deeply scarily in love with her, and I am more sorry than the night is filled with stars.

As I get to Aunt Sophia's front garden, comfortingly overgrown, I hear her wizened little voice beginning to call, "Well don't just stand there like you're waiting for me to invite you in! You know it's always unlocked, you daft sod! Anyway, someone is coming to meet me in about twenty minutes so you need to hurry up and give me those Wagon Wheels! Ye gods, I've been waiting years for them!"

I grin from ear to ear at her little old lady voice and burst through the door to hug her in her old armchair. She huffs around my arms but I can tell she's pleased I'm back, and she says so as soon as I pull away.
"I'm proud you've been able to come back so soon, Billy; I know you've been through the ringer with Y/N."

I put my bag down next to my sandalled feet and push a hand through my wavy hair, which is unbrushed with my recent lack of caring about superficiality.
"Aunt Sophia, I messed it up so bad. I wanted to tell her I'm in love with her, but I was too scared, and then her identical twin sister was there and-"
"Before you go on, may I remind you that I am your family and I already know what happened? I would prefer not to discuss your carnal activities with me," she interrupts curtly, and I suddenly feel my eyes and nose stinging with tears. That's been happening a lot lately, and I don't know if it's just because of Y/N or because I'm letting myself cry for the Hell of it.

"Anyway," Aunt Sophia tuts, pushing herself out of her chair with her cane fashioned out of a branch of the gnarled tree that hangs low in her backyard, "go and put everything in the kitchen, and then we can sit outside and you can tell me what you plan to do now, and how you're feeling."
I'm puzzled. "Don't you know anyway?"
She shrugs as best she can as she totters sturdily. "Perhaps my powers are focused on other things at the moment."

I open the front door for her to walk outside, and take my bag into the kitchen. I bend down to fit into the sloping ceiling and with a pang remember the last time I leaned down in this kitchen - I was making tea for Y/N and realising I had fallen in love with her. It seems like years ago, although it was only ten months. I can't help but wonder, like I do every day, what she's doing now.

Is she back in Britain? Or has she decided to follow her dreams and is travelling across the globe? Has she changed at all, or is she still the same sarcastic, funny, bright, talented, confident flower she was with me?

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