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Your POV

Hours later, you've finished the chores for today, but now have to get everything sorted for tonight and tomorrow. Tonight is Sophie's hen party as well as Sky's stag do, and since they're all too wrapped up in singing and friends and last minute nerves, it once again falls to you.

It's been a couple hours since you've heard Donna and the Dynamos singing to prepare for their performance, so your residual jealousy towards not being invited to perform with them has died down, and you're currently trying to set up their stage with the longhaired bar owner.

You feel as though you have a right to sing with them - you've done all this stuff, you've come to terms with the fact you're an amazing singer - yet, you can't, because Donna is here, and despite all your growing, you still know she'll outshine you in performance.
You sigh - after this wedding is over, you're going to set sail on your boat and not come back for another year. You need some time away from your family, as much as you adore them.

"Need some help?" a melodic voice rings out, and you turn in that direction and see that guy Bob Anders walking along.
You shield your eyes from the bright sun behind him, shining round him like he's an angel send by the Greek gods. "Hey. Where's my past ghosts?"
"Back on the boat - Donna found them," he replies with a cheeky smile that hints at more he won't tell you, and sits down next to the stage opposite you. He watches you pull some planks into place silently, as if he's curious about you, and asks, "What's this stage for?"

"The hen party - Donna and her friends have this girl group, The Dynamos, and they're performing tonight at it."
He frowns. "Why aren't you performing? I bet you have a lovely voice."
You chuckle in a scoff. "Yeah, I do, but it's not a patch on my sister's. She could outshine me any day of the week."
"But can't you still sing with them, though?"
You stop before nailing down a plank, and ask, "Sorry, are you an expert on me and my ways?"

He smirks like he somehow does, though that would be absurd, and carries on as you carry on.
"So, do you live here with your family?"
"No, actually - I travel."
"A traveller, eh?" he shifts to lean on one knee, a small dreamy smile on his face. "How long have you been travelling? Where to?"
You chuckle. "What, do you want my life story?" you joke.

But he surprises you by saying sincerely, "Yeah please," and you pause in construction again to observe him.

He looks genuinely invested. Well, sure, who wouldn't be, you've grown into an amazing woman, but... that gaze. It reminds you of how someone used to look at you years ago...

You take a breath, resuming work again, talking throughout.
"I've been travelling since I was 21, so quite a few years now. I started off with my sister, Donna, but after... some stuff... happened, I decided to travel alone. It's more exciting travelling alone anyway."

You think back to those days going through every single country in the world, and breathe a longing sigh. It reaffirms your goal to leave as soon as this wedding is over, you're leaving; it's time to get back on your boat and feel the salty sea air breezing through your mad curls again.

"So did you meet anyone on your extensive travels?" the guy asks, leaning forward with his chin in his hands. His eyes are shining with curiosity, his interest piqued at your travels. It makes you feel special - someone actually caring about your life. You've gotten used to only your family only asking about your times around the globe; you didn't think anyone else would anymore.

You pause before shrugging, continuing to hammer in nails as he watches. "I met a few people: guys, gals, sailors, tourists; I'm actually a hero in parts of London and a few towns in Europe."
"Which ones?"
" Can't remember - there's too many and they were years ago."
"Famous, are you, then?"
You laugh at him, looking up from the stage. "Famous? Yeah, right - I don't do it for the glory, I do it so that..."

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