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Bill's POV

It's night, pitch black as far as I can see outside my window, the waves softly crashing against the sides of my beautiful boat. I lie in my bed, listening to Y/N's snores from the spare bed, and again think about everything about her.

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that I'm in love with Y/N Sheridan, and although that would normally be alarming to me with any other girl, I don't mind when it comes to her. In fact, I positively relish it. I've only known her for under two weeks, and every day I learn more about her that just serves to prove how much I intensely like her.

I even asked her to be my girlfriend. Me! Bill Anderson, notorious playboy of Greece and Sweden, nervously asking a girl to be exclusive with him. I've never done that before, even when I was a kid. I told Aunt Sohia that bit when I left Y/N to look through old photo albums in another room, and she says she knows me well enough to know that she is the one for me. Also, I think the no-sex pact Y/N and I made has strengthened that certainty. Me, voluntarily not having sex? Simply unheard of.

It's crazy, to think that I've met essentially the love of my life. And the whole time, I've been so scared deep down that I'd mess it up - that everybody would tell her every story of my bachelor days, that I'd flirt with another pretty girl, that she would realise I don't deserve her and leave. Nothing like that has happened, and I am so glad.

That settles it: I need to tell her I love her, that she's the only woman in my eyes, that I want her to stay with me for as long as is able, maybe even forever if she wants the same.

I click my heels together under my thin bedsheet. But, how do I say all this?

There's a small knock at my door, and I get out of bed and open the door to smile warmly at an adorably dressed Y/N scratching her cheek uncomfortably.
"Well hello," I say casually in an attempt to make it seem like I wasn't just thinking of professing my love to her.
She flashes a quick smile before saying shyly, "Um, so... I just can't really get comfortable on the spare bed tonight, I don't know, something about the sheets or whatever, and so I was just coming over to see if..."

My smile is slowly turning into an admired and excited grin. "If...?"
She rolls her eyes and says with a shit-eating grin, "Come on man, you know what I'm asking. Just let me sleep next to you in your bed. And no funny stuff."
I chuckle, "That makes it sound like you're making a threatening business proposal more than a requested snuggle," as I let her in, close the door and lean on it, watching her inspect my room with her arms wrapped round her in her cute blue pyjamas.

"Hmmm," she says with a smirk at me, "this room doesn't really seem to be in the best possible condition for somebody to sleep in. For instance... these?" She bends down and picks up something with her thumb and forefinger, and holds out to me an old pair of underwear that I hadn't gotten round to taking to the laundry yet. Oh dear, I've just realised I haven't gone to the laundry since I met her. How have I not run out of clothes?

I snatch the underwear from her pinched hold and chuck them into another corner, and she offers the ghost of a snicker before slipping into my bed.
Like a cat she stretches luxuriously like it's always been her bed, and I gaze on in adoration before I realise I'm staring at her from a door and get into the bed myself.

She lies the cotton sheets over her and draws me into her hold, and I immediately freeze because I'm not sure how to respond to this. What do you do if a girl you're in love with makes you cuddle with her in bed? I realise that I should probably just do what I've done with other girls that have been in the same bed, curl into them, but I didn't like those girls like this. What if I do something wrong? What if secretly in bed she's like one of those mice that freak out at the slightest thing?

"What are you doing?"
"Mice!" I blurt out, not thinking, and Y/N raises an eyebrow. I mentally facepalm, for I cannot physically as she has my arms wrapped round her waist.
"Right, and... why were you thinking about mice?" she asks skeptically with a hint of snark and mockery, and I cringe at myself as I try to search for ways to make me seem not mad.
"Um... I, uhh... oh, I was just wondering if you would suddenly leave like a mouse jumping at a slight noise," I say in what I can only hope is a casual tone. Unfortunately, it is not if I'm going by her furrowed confused brows and small gaping mouth.

"Okay," she says firmly, leaning into me, "how about... don't think too much about this? Just freakin' cuddle me until I'm asleep, and then we'll be on our way, yeah?"
"You're very bossy, but okay," I yawn out, and draw her closer into me.

She responds to my warm chest against her head with a small purring sound, and once again for the millionth time I find this girl adorable and hot and irresistible. I feel the small smile reserved only for her form on my lips, and I press them softly to her forehead in an act of vulnerability. She smiles herself at the touch and snuggles in closer, and I have to physically restrain myself from telling her I'm in love with her just from that. Also, the fact that I'm wearing quite loose shorts and... ahem... something is growing in them.

Tomorrow we've decided to hang out in the marketplace and browse for trinkets. Maybe then I'll bottle up the courage to tell her.

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