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Your POV

"You sure you two are okay here?" Bill asks as he folds a rope over the mast, looking up at the sky. He gives your leg a once-over again, and you say for the tenth time since he cleaned up the cut and gave you some painkillers, "I'm fine."
He closes his mouth as if to say something he shouldn't, and tugs at the rope again and looks at Donna, who is surveying the island with her huge sunglasses over her eyes. "I'll come back after the race, but that won't be for three weeks."
You cut in: "I think we'll be absolutely fine for more than three weeks without your flirting, Bill," you say with a fake syrupy smile on your face, and he blinks and turns back to the sky. Serves him right for flirting with you and your sister. Although you must admit, he did look good with his shirt off after he rescued that reunited couple from drowning.

"Bye Bill!" you say to push him along, but he ignores you and keeps staring at the sky. Donna notices your lack of talking and turns her head.
"What is it?"
"A storm's coming," he says cryptically, and you both look up at the clear sky. As Donna is still squinting upwards, you look at Bill with an eyebrow raised.
"Trust me, okay? With the sea, always trust me."

You look at him, properly now, like you two did before he met Donna. Serious. He looks into your eyes with a fierce expression, but also a slightly confused one.

You shake your head again, and to get the point across better you say more firmly, "Bye Bill!" He finally gets the message after another long stare at you, then smiles broadly at the both of you and starts the engine.
Donna waves. "Bye Bill!" she shouts after him, but not in the snarky irritated way you did. Huh. Perhaps that's why she gets so much more guys - you're the more sarcastic soul-destroying one.

When he's out of eyesight, Donna grabs you and smiles excitedly. You forget all instances of Mr Handsome and grin wildly back, the same as hers. Yes, oh yes, you've been swept up in Sheridan madness again, and it's so awesome!

"We can do anything!" she exclaims, and clutches her bags and begins to walk away. You call after her amusedly, "Do you have any idea where you're going?"
"None at all!" she shouts back, and you laugh giddily and start dragging your bags to follow her.


After a while of walking aimlessly, taking photos of the island and admiring its wildlife, you squint in the sun's rays and see some type of building up above.
"Hey, Donna?" you call, and she pauses and looks the same way.
"It's perfect!"
"You want us to live there, don't you?"
"Yeah!" she squeals loud enough for birds to squawk in indignance and you're to wonder if it's actually best to go stay with Mr Handsome. Sure, he seems a womanizing whore, but at least he has a bed that has been changed at least once in the last ten years.

Before you have a chance to say anything, she leans into you, her smile so wide you can see her molars.
"Come on, let's go have a look!"
You roll your eyes but nevertheless let her pull you up the hill.
As the two of you get closer the building splits into three different smaller buildings, so you tell Donna to search through one whilst you go through another, and the third one looks like an old stable anyway. Surprisingly, she does what she's told.

Now alone, you open the blue door with its peeling paint, and it almost falls right off. You step over it instead, and enter the cutest little rundown cottage ever seen.
The furniture is either covered in dust or white sheets to prevent dust (in vain), and the wooden planks in the floor have nearly rotted away in places due to the huge gaps in the roof and ceiling, giving way to mold and rot.
You tiptoe around, in a state of awe. On the walls hung haphazardly are faded paintings and yellowed photographs of people and places. You peer closer, and realise that all the places are on the island.

You stare around. This place must have been someone's dream long ago, before it fell into disrepair. Of course, neither of you own the rights to repairing it, but it's kind of nice to have a dream, isn't it?

You start to sing quietly to yourself, taking in the calming country aesthetic.

"I have a dream,
A song to sing,
To help me cope,
With anything,
If you see the wonder,
Of a fairytale,
You can take the future,
Even if you fail,"

You feel a tugging in your heart, and can tell that at the same time you're singing Donna is doing the same, and you smile; then smile even more when you step into a tiny cobblestoned kitchenette with appliances no longer working and cracked crockery.
It really is like a fairytale.

"I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see,
I believe in angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream,"

You cross the kitchenette to walk into a small room with a rusty old TV, the right era but the wrong connection.
You find a staircase at the end of the room and just know that if Donna finds stairs like these, she is gonna try and slide down the staircase, and it's gonna fall apart.

"I have a dream,
A fantasy,
To help me through,
And my destination,
Makes it worth the while,
Pushing through the darkness,
Still another mile,
I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see,
I believe in angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream,"

You finish the whole house and find yourself standing outside on an old veranda, the damp of it seeping through your flats.
You look up at the sky. Funny - why does it feel freshly wet although it's not raining?
What did Bill say? Oh, it doesn't matter.

You sing the last few notes to yourself softly:

"I cross the stream,
I have a dream."

You sigh, at peace with yourself and the world. New places, new adventures, new people...

And then it starts to heavily rain.

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