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"I have a dream,
A song to sing,
To help me cope,
With everything..."

Your niece pauses singing when she feels your hand on her shoulder. After looking round at you and beaming gratefully, she drops the suitcase you helped her pack carefully, teaching her about resourceful on the road meanwhile, and hugs you tightly.

"You're gonna do great things, Sophie Sheridan," you murmur in her ear, stroking her golden hair, and she buries her head in your chest. You're taken back to years ago when you took care of her most of the time, when she was the one thing you cared about; you hold her even tighter.

Your little girl is growing up.

A hand lands on your shoulder, and the two of you look up to see Donna. Her eyes are glistening with tears, making tiny diamonds in the moonlight. Sure, she has Sam now to make her happy, but you're not sure anyone could make your sister happy as much as Sophie ever has.

But she, and you, have got to let go. You had to make that decision time and again throughout your life, and this time you're glad Sophie is doing the same.

You walk backwards along the small wooden jetty to leave the girls to their own privacy, and another hand rubs your arm. You look up to see Bill directly above you, smiling his small smile, and smiling serenely yourself, you kiss him slowly.

He takes hold of your hand and squeezes it gently. He knows how many emotions you must be feeling right now - after all, you two have been through the same situation before, albeit with different circumstances.

Standing further along the jetty are Sam and Harry: having already said their goodbyes to each of you, they've decided to watch you all leave from afar.

Yes, that's right - you and Bill are leaving too.


"Goodbye!" Donna says in a choked-up voice, and you walk to Donna and give her a big hug from the side as Sophie and Sky begin rowing their small boat to the mainland. You catch your twin's tears with your forefinger, and she clutches your hand in reply.

As you all start to wave, Sophie sings again:

"If you see the wonder,
Of a fairytale,
You can take the future,
Even if you fail..."

She continues singing after they're so far away into the ocean that you can't hear her anymore. Donna puts her face in her hands, to let herself fully cry with the weight of letting her baby go, and you envelop her in a big bear hug. Sam walks up and joins the hug, and you're so glad that they got back together so she's not alone.

After a while, you wriggle apart from the hug and catch up to Bill, who's already standing next to his and your boats. He has his hand on his hip and another stroking his chin.

"Which boat do we take, mine or yours?"
And before you can answer, he replies with a snap of his fingers, "Yours; you love it so much," and without another word picks up the first few suitcases and boards your boat. You feel your heart swell - you know how much he loves his dear boat.

But he's proved now that he loves you more than anything.

"Y/N?" you hear behind you, and you turn to see Donna just before she jumps at you with another huge hug. You laugh, and so does she.

"I'm still gonna come back at least once a year," you remind her, "Brownies honour."
"You never went to Brownies," she sniffs as she lets go of you, "Mum wouldn't let you waste money, so you just stared through the windows of the community hall when they were on."

You both laugh again, though you both still have tears in your eyes. This isn't the hardest time you've had to leave Kalokairi by far - but it is the most bittersweet.

"Y/N?" Bill asks, stepping off the boat. You turn round and tell him you're ready, then salute a goodbye to Sam and Harry, give your sister one last tight hug, then take your boyfriend's hand and come aboard your boat.

"Ready?" Bill shouts as you both get everything set up for setting sail, and waving a final goodbye to everyone, the wind dancing off the waves and through your crazy golden curls, you take a deep breath in, smile eagerly, and say, "Ready."

"I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see,
I believe in angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream,

I have a dream,
A fantasy,
To help me through,
And my destination,
Makes it worth the while,
Pushing through the darkness,
Still another mile,

I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see,
I believe in angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream,

I'll cross the stream,
I have a dream..."

Thank you for reading my Mamma Mia fanfiction - it's by far one of the most treasured fics I've written! This took me so long to write and rewrite and edit, but I personally think it was all worth it! Let me know how I did, and please like and add to your library!

I love every single one of you who kept reading til the very end 🥰

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