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You climb the stairs with Harry, hearing behind you Donna's strong vocals singing to Sam at the base of the island. You remember singing the same song to the ghost of Great Aunt Sophia years ago, when she appeared to you that one and only time to you and told you that Bill had started seeing someone new.

Perhaps that's why you see her now, on the top step, floating an inch above stone, clasping her ghostly hands to her chest and nodding serenely before disappearing and leaving you again: because you and Bill are closer to following the right path than ever.

At the top of the steps, you make sure Sophie is okay and then duck into the small chapel. Set into the side of the rock like Aunt Sophia's old cottage, everyone waits patiently inside.
You scan round til you see them, then race up to Rosie and Tanya.

"Girls, help me. I'm freaking the fuck out."
"About what?" Tanya asks, and you whisper-screech, "Everything!"
"Okay, okay," Rosie says, standing up and pushing you into your seat next to hers, "you need to shut up and stop worrying over every single thing happening today. That includes Donna, Sophie, and Bill."


"No!" both women protest simultaneously, forgetting to be quiet, so the whole congregation stares at the three of you. You all smile apologetically, and out the corner of your eye you see Donna signalling for the wedding to start.

Right, you think as you stand up to watch your sister and your niece walk down the aisle, this is Sophie's time; all you need to do is be quiet and make sure the men don't stop the wedding.

You feel content that that won't happen, but as soon as Donna stands and mentions Sophie's dads and they all stand up, you facepalm in despair.

"You couldn't have. I don't know which one it is," your sister says, then covers her mouth as realization dawns, and you smack your forehead again. "Oh my God! That's why they're here!"

The men all sit down awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I just- please forgive me. Please forgive me," Sophie begs her mum, and Donna puts her hand on her forehead as if she were about to faint dramatically. And you wouldn't put it past her, even now.
"I don't know. Can you forgive me?"

"Donna," you reply instead of your niece, standing up, because you feel like that's just the vibe of this wedding now, "if I can forgive you for sleeping with one of them, Sophie can forgive you for sleeping with all three of them. And, not being funny," you look straight at your sister, "I don't care if you've slept with hundreds of men - I love you, and so does your daughter, and everyone here."

Donna stares gobsmacked at you, because even though she knows you've forgiven her for sleeping with Bill, she wasn't expecting you to forgive her openly in front of Bill himself.

For once at a loss for words, your twin just mumbles bashfully, "I haven't slept with hundreds of men," and sits back in her chair next to yours with a flip of her scarf and a pat on the back from Tanya.

You smirk at her, shaking your head, and begin to sit down... right as Sam stands up again and begins moving to the front.

"Am I getting this right? Sophie may be mine, but she may be Bill's or Harry's? No wonder Y/N wanted to block that part of her life from her life."

For the second time today, and most likely not the last, you facepalm in despair.

Still standing next to Sophie, you tell Sam as he walks up to you, "Yes, okay? That's right. But don't say anything, because girls talk, and I know that you don't have anyone to blame but yourself."
"Yeah," your niece retorts; "if you hadn't just dumped my mother and gone off with someone else-"
"Hey, hey wait a minute! I had to go home. I was engaged. But I told Lorraine I couldn't marry her and I came right back!"

There's a shocked silence, and Donna slowly rises up out of her seat again.
"You... you... Why didn't you find me? I was right here," she asks, and you can tell even without twintuition that this is stinging her as much as it did when it actually happened all those years ago. A wave of sympathy washes over you for her, and you reach out to hold her hand for moral support. She clutches and squeezes it back gratefully.

Sam desperately says, "Because I was crazy enough to think that you would be waiting for me, only when I arrived, they told me you were off with some other guy. So, I didn't have a choice but to go back."

Another silence settles, but not before Harry stands up and butts in with his incredibly quaint voice:
"Sorry, no, no, it's just that I wanted to say that it's great to have even a third of Sophie. I never thought I'd even get that much of a child. Donna, you were the first girl I ever loved; well, actually, you were the last girl I ever loved."

You watch the curly haired man glance over at another man who smiles at him admiringly, and facepalm once again. That makes so much fucking sense now! How has nobody sussed it out before?

"We can find out if you want," Sam continues as Harry joins him before the bride, who is by this point extremely confused - and that's not including how confused Sky is - "but I'm with Harry. Being a third of your dad is great by me."

"By me, too; I'll take a third," the voice that simultaneously delights and annoys you says, and you turn your head down the aisle to see Bill walking down it. He winks at you and gives you a cheeky smile that you admittedly smile back at, before he joins the men behind Sophie, and the bride and groom turn back to the vicar.

Needless to say, the vicar is confused as fuck.

"Dearly beloved," he begins to say, but he is again interrupted by Sophie, who shouts out, "No!" and turns to her dads.
"Look, I have no clue which one of you is my dad, but I don't mind. Now I know what I really want. Sky," she says, turning to him, "let's just not get married yet!"

Gasps ripple across the church, exclamations almost like the Mexican Wave at football games. You and the girls stare gormlessly at her, while the three men behind their daughter blink madly and exchange glances.

"What?" asks Sky, who was ready to marry at the mainland without all this obviously approaching drama, and Sophie replies enthusiastically:
"You never wanted this anyway. I know that - I just didn't listen. So let's just get off this island and just see the world. Okay? All right?"
Sky's face breaks into a wide loving grin.
"I love you," he tells her, and envelops his ex-bride in a huge hug.

More gasps echo around the benches, but you and Donna simply look at each other and smile in a combination of bewilderment and happiness.

Your girl finally sussed things out for herself. What's best for her, what'll help her develop into the best version of herself, is to explore, same as you and her mother did.

Without a thought to the congregation, Sky sweeps Sophie up in her arms and they begin to walk to the open church doors, toward their new lives together.
As mostly everyone fusses and clucks, you just stand in the middle of the aisle and watch your niece leave. Leave the island, leave her old life, to start a new totally independent one. You're so proud of her.

But you're suddenly taken out of your observation when Sam gently pushes you aside to a pew, gets down on one knee, and says, "How about it, Sheridan?"

In front of him, Donna stares blankly at the ring he brings out from his pocket. Then she stares at you, and you stare back.

Something tells you this wedding isn't over by a long shot...

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