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Bill's POV

"Sir, you have sold well on your last book," my agent tells me, then proceeds to try once again in vain to make me do a book tour.
I scoff once again: I don't wanna be remembered for a book tour, I wanna be remembered for the stuff I've done that I've put in the book; winning multiple sailing competitions, then giving the money to charity; sailed around the world with only the clothes on my back and some tins and equipment; being the youngest Swede to travel to every country in the world.

I've done everything I can. I've even written a book. Why should I have to talk about it?

I thank my agent and begin to walk out the door, to which she says, "Wait! I have something for you."
I stand, admittedly waiting to see if she's about to try to seduce me because most do when I'm about to leave, but instead she hands me a piece of paper from a drawer.
"Someone posted this to the agency the other day; it says on there that the sender didn't know where you lived because they knew you travelled round a lot, so they looked you up and saw your name connected with our agency. It's an invite of some sort."

I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. An invitation? Ooh - could it be an awards show? Another competition? An open invitation to someone's place so they can show me something sailing related I've never seen before? The possibilities are endless.

I open it up, and it's an invitation for a wedding.
Oh. Not that eventful then.
But then I read it, and my interest is piqued. Because it's from Donna Sheridan, about her daughter's wedding in summer, a few months away.
And a Sheridan wedding will most likely mean... Y/N will be there!

It takes everything in me to not jump up and down like a schoolgirl.
Y/N Sheridan. The literal love of my life. My old flame from twenty years ago, whom I very wrongly wronged. I might be near her. I might speak to her. I could apologise, I could tell her I love her, that even though I've tried she still permeates my thoughts, that I'd never do anything like that again if she took me back...

"Sir?" my agent interrupts, and I blink. Oh, yeah, my stupid book. Suddenly nothing seems worth anything anymore, not now I know I could be near Y/N, but I know I need to appease my colleague, so I'm nice and polite and calm until I walk out of the building. Then I yell like a Texan with a gun.

I need to set off immediately! Who cares if it's a few months away, I'd get to see Y/N! But... would she still be mad at me? Would she forgive me even after twenty years? Something in me tells me she wouldn't - and after all, who could blame her? I still can't forgive myself for cheating on her with her own twin sister and tipping her over the edge.

What's she like now? Has she come out of shell? Has her soul grown into the delicate yet strong and willful songbird it was always meant to be?
I really want to know.

Right, I have to form a plan: finish up all my stuff here in San Francisco; begin the boat ride halfway round the world to Greece, which should take up most of the next couple months; stay on the mainland til the week of the wedding, waiting and anticipating my meet with Y/N; meet with Y/N, the love of my life, and win her back by apologising profusely with all the bones in my body.

I hope and pray to all the gods watching over me that she's grown into the type of person to forgive - or at least her own person...

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