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Bill puts your bags under the deck as you watch from the jetty, locks the door and smiles widely at you. It makes you snicker a little because he looks so goofy.

He jumps like a ninja over the fencing of the boat and lands next to you. He links his arm with yours, tips an invisible hat to you with another charming smile, and starts walking. You're compelled to follow, and ask him, "Where are we going now?"

He looks over to something in the distance, and points over in that general area. "Well, we've been to the market, and we've been to the beach. But, I'm guessing you haven't been to this super secret place in the mountains."
"There are mountains on the island?" you ask, looking upwards. There aren't any tall peaks visible anywhere on Kalokairi, and the terrain veers too wildly between dryland and greenery to discern where any would be.
Bill nods, and starts to walk the two of you off the jetty and through the beach into an area surrounded by clusters of boulders.

You face him, and say as dryly as the ground beneath you, "Wow, look at these mountains. How tall they are, how... boulder-like."
He shakes his head, suppressed laughter coming out of his nostrils.
"These aren't the mountains - look up there."
He points before you and you follow his tan finger to a carved stone path, made up of sharply cut steps molded into the natural slopes of the land. You gasp quietly; it looks so beautiful, like it was always meant to be there.

You take Bill's hand and tug him as you start to gain momentum up the steps, and you hear him chuckle between pants.
Still moving quickly, you call out to him, "I thought you looked fit when I first saw you manning the boat!"
"That is arm strength," he calls in reply, hints of laughter weaved through his reply, "Keeping up with you takes a lot of leg power!"
You laugh into the warm breeze with him, and finally you reach the top of the slope. You stop running, look around, and gasp again.

Before you is a secluded area, sheltered from the outside world by dozens of tall rocks rooted in the ground which form a type of wall.
Dotted around you are the types of interesting bushes and plants that never die from adapting to the drylands, and partially covering the entire silent area is a large mountain, larger for its width than its height, with several openings cracked into it.

Pulled into its mysticism, you let go of Bill's hand and walk further towards one of its openings. Judging by the overwhelming amount of darkness emanating in it, its depth could go on forever.
It's amazing. It's beautiful. It's... somehow just what you wanted when you began this insane trek across the world.

"Y/N?" you hear behind you, and you turn to find Bill with a small admiring smile on his face and a hand offered out.
You take his hand and ask, "Is it just me, or are you also gripped with the urge to go explore in this mysterious mountain?"
His small smile breaks into a wide grin, and squeezing my hand until it tingles with anticipation he says, "That's exactly why I took you here."

You grin wildly and without hesitation dive into the opening of the mountain with Bill being tugged along behind again.

In the blackness, you soon falter and switch to wandering through the endless dark of the mountain, touching the low ceiling with your fingertips and enjoying the earthy feel. It's so different to anything you've felt before, more grounded yet also completely breakable, grainy and dusty. You smile to yourself, uncaring of the company beside you.

Still dragging your hands over the rock of the tunnel, you ask, "How is this here?"
You hear him kicking the rocks on the ground as you walk. "There used to be mines down here. My Aunt Sophia has lived on the island since she was a child, she knows all the stories about Kalokairi: there used to be an excessive amount of silver on this island as well as in Laurium, a town in Southeast Greece. So, when the production of silver grew, the citizens of Laurium moved here in order to mine more and make more money. When silver became less valuable than other metals, many of the people who lived here left for the mainland in search of more wealth, and these mines have sat unused for a good couple of centuries. Until, of course, kids found this place, me included," you laugh at that, "and started using them as hangout places or kissing points."

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