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You spend the next couple of days exploring the island and the next couple of nights eating in front of the sea under the watch of the moon, laughing, playing guitar, and kissing. During that time, he asks if you want to go with him to the mainland for a day whilst he buys food for his aunt and he can get you a new camera. You pretend to think about it for a moment, then say yes, as if you weren't ever going to follow him into adventure.

The morning rolls around, and after Bill makes you another delicious breakfast he moves to the hull to start the boat moving. The suddenness of the engine starting causes you to stumble backwards in the living quarters and land on your bad leg in his room, which he runs down to at your yelp of distress then makes a typical joke about you being in his room.

You roll your eyes. "Help me up then, Womanizer."
He does as he's told, denying himself to be a womanizer, and as he rights you you pull him gently in and whisper brazenly with some sort of newfound confidence, "You know who you are."

You pull away just in time to see him quickly turn his head and duck so he thinks you can't see his small smile go off yet again. Aw, the only time he's shy - around you.

His head still turned to the floor, Bill walks out to the wheel and calls to you to help with the rigging or something.
Happy to oblige for him, you follow him up the steps, wincing a little from landing on your bad leg. Once everything is up and running smoothly, Bill notices you wincing slightly and immediately makes you sit down on the roof of the living area.
Obviously, it being you, you protest to such babying.

"I'm fine! It was just a little bang on the leg, really!"
He ignores your insistence and gently holds up your bad leg, rearranging your white and green checkered dress modestly as he checks your limbs over.

You roll your eyes again and wait for him to put your leg down slowly on the roofing, and with your arms crossed in stubborn defiance you ask, "You find any broken bones there, Doctor?"
"No," he says in an equally defiant tone, also peeved at being discredited, "I was just checking that the sprain wasn't coming back, and luckily for you it isn't. You should still be able to stand on it."

You move to stand up, and he instantly holds your waist delicately in case you topple over - it's nice to know he cares that much, but also, it's just a healing leg - "See. Nothing to be worried about. I'm sure I could do anything with this leg right now."
Bill leans against the side of the boat, hand still holding yours with a sly smile on his face.
"Oh yes? Like what?"

An equally sly smirk comes across your face as you know what to do to show him he doesn't need to worry about you, and also impress him at the same time because, well, it's Bill.
"Why don't you just sit down and enjoy the show," you say cryptically, and push him down to where you were previously sitting. He crosses his legs on the roofing and sits up straight like an expectant child as you walk with your back to him on the deck, then jump straight into it as you whirl round to meet him, a wild grin on your face.

"You can dance, you can jive,
Having the time of your life,

Bill starts clapping and laughing delightedly, and as you sing you point at him:

"See that girl,
Watch that scene,
Digging the Dancing Queen!"

Bill leaps up off the roofing to you, and you jump away and instead run around the deck dancing in leaps. He laughs with you and begins to chase you, and you start the first verse between bursts of running.

"Friday night and the lights are low,
Looking out for a place to go,
Where they play the right music,
Getting in the swing,"

Take A Chance On Me ☆ [Mamma Mia - Bill Anderson X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now