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Bill's POV

I call to Y/N from the deck, "Come on, Aunt Sophia is waiting!" and she comes up from the steps rubbing her eyes. She took a nap downstairs this afternoon and, I have to admit, I kinda wanted to watch her sleep. She looks very cute when she's asleep.

"I'm here, I'm here," she mumbles, and I cinch my messenger bag full of food for Sophia and hold out my hand. After slipping her feet into the new flip-flops I bought her earlier (she's been wearing mine for the past few days since we lost one in the mountain - I haven't minded being barefoot), she takes my hand and we start to stroll down the pier.

Y/N puts her head on my shoulder and asks, "What's your aunt like?"
I chuckle, remembering my mystical family member's jokes and life advice. "Very funny. And very odd. She's lived here since she was a child, and it's almost like she's... tuned into the island."
Y/N takes her head off of my shoulder and stares at me with a confused expression, and I don't blame her. Aunt Sophia is a very confusing woman to explain.

I try again as we reach the steps to her house on the far side of the island, away from the marketplace, which is why I always have to bring her food. "Aunt Sophia is... an enigma. She's a lot, all at once, and it's quite intimidating unless you know her personally. She can see people's souls, like I did with yours when we first met, but she can see more than that. It's hard to explain properly, but she can see... everything. It's like you're transparent to her: she can look at you and instantly know every secret, every good and bad deed, each thought that flies through your head. That's why she doesn't go many places - she can tell which people on the island think she's insane, which is pretty much everyone."

"She can see everything?" Y/N echoes, and I nod.
She laughs, "I guess you couldn't keep anything as a kid then?"
I laugh with her and tell her, "The day after I lost my virginity, I came through her door and she asked how it was," and she loses it, to my delight. I never thought any story relating to my virginity would be funny, but that's what I lo-really like about Y/N - she makes everything fun.

We finish up the steps to Sophia's house, and Y/N marvels at it. Since my aunt has been here for so long she's been able to fix up and add onto her house, making it into some kind of homely mansion. Even now I still get awestruck at it, and Y/N is too as she slowly steps into the overgrown front garden. Aunt Sophia doesn't ever want it cut, so it looks like a small jungle plopped in the front of a house.

Before I can open the permanently unlocked front door, I hear a familiar wizened wise voice calling my name.
"Billy, make me some tea, would you? And who is this young girl with you? She has a lovely camera, and I think that's a necklace from the tree spirits if I'm not mistaken - and I'm never mistaken."
I turn round and Y/N stops taking copious pictures and touches her necklace in surprise, and I make that godamn small smile again and open the door.

I let her in before me and guide her into the main room, where Aunt Sophia is sitting comfortably in a plush armchair in the middle of the room, a book placed neatly in her lap with a leather bookmark poking through. She already has her looking glasses and not her reading glasses on, because of course she knew we were coming.

Forgetting about Y/N for a second, I put down my bag and walk to my aunt, my favourite family member.
"Aunt Sophia!"
"Oh, gerroff, you're embarrassing yourself in front of your ladyfriend," Sophia complains with an underlying hint of pride, and I pull away smiling goofily from ear to ear. I can't help it - I love this mad old woman.

I turn to Y/N, who is picking up my bag and glancing at us nervously. I go to her, take the bag, and gently push her to Sophia's chair.
"Aunt Sophia, this is Y/N, my... girlfriend," I say, beaming radiantly because I'm proud to say that Y/N is my girlfriend. I love to say it!
My aunt leans over the arm of her chair and shakes Y/N's hand. "Nice to meet you, love. You know, you have a very interesting soul - it looks like a songbird still escaping from a cage."

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