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Rosie and Tanya have discovered a crab that's scuttling across the ocean floor and are pushing each other to touch it.

Donna is enchanting your boyfriend by placing her hand on his arm ever so slightly and leaning toward him to whisper something, even though there are inbuilt comms in the diving masks you all have on.

Bill is letting it happen, either unwittingly or knowingly being flirted with.

And you have your arms crossed as you swim behind them, hating every second of this.

Why is he letting her flirt with him? Doesn't he know the history the two of you have? You never should have agreed to this.
Although, if you hadn't, it would've been more reason for Donna to come onto him.

Also, you never would've seen Tanya scream at a crab snapping near her and her trying to run away underwater.


"God, that was so tiring," Tanya complains as you all get onto the boat, Bill lifting Donna and you lifting yourself out of the water glaring at them.
Rosie retorts, "That's because you're not used to doing things by yourself," and her friend whips her with a towel laughing before Bill walks to you, puts a hand on your back, making you relax for the first time in two hours, and says that's enough for today.

Rosie moans, "But it was so fun!" and you laugh fondly at your friends' antics before you look around and ask Bill, "Hey, where's my clothes and necklace?"
He replies brightly as he pulls you closer, "You left them in the old farmhouse, remember? You said you didn't want to lose them."

Oh yeaah. You must've forgotten that whilst you were sulking about Donna presumably wanting to fuck your boyfriend.

Rosie pats your back and says, "Come on, let's go back and get our stuff. Or just go to sleep because swimming for two hours is a lot."
"I vote sleep," Tanya comments, and as if he's tuned into your uneasiness at him being left alone with Donna and her wiles, Bill casually slips a finger under the strap of your bikini top and kisses your lips in front of everyone.
"I'll be on the boat, checking over the system," he says to everyone, still looking into my eyes warmly, "I won't move from here til you're back - and you girls are free to sleep in the farmhouse, as long as my Y/N can sleep in the boat."

You fight the urge to grin like a schoolgirl as the girls coo over the two of you, and Rosie grabs your arm.
As you begin to get pulled across the jetty, you look back at Bill and Donna. She's beginning to wave us off and laugh with Bill, who's surely by now picking up signals from her. She's so desperate for a rebound, her signals are practically foghorns. It's not a lie, either - even Rosie and Tanya seem a little uneasy about this.

Tanya says to you, "We're all coming back when we've got our stuff, okay? We just don't have the strength right now, and those beds in the farmhouse look real good."
"She wouldn't do that to you, Y/N," Rosie adds, also looking back at the two of them splashing water at each other and having a grand old time.

"That's the thing," you turn your head to them, "I don't know that."

They both return sad smiles and the three of you silently go back to the old farmhouse Donna has been staying in. The girls have found their own rooms and dumped all their stuff in there so you split, and you walk into the room where you changed to change back into your clothes.

You suddenly yawn long and hard, eyes drifting closed and open every so often. Wow, Rosie was right, it's surprisingly tiring to swim for two hours straight; the last couple times, you and Bill went to sleep in each other's arms.
You look to the bed Donna's been sleeping in. The sheets are roughly pulled into place, and right now that's enough.

You lastly put your necklace on and slip under the covers, almost instantly falling into deep sleep.
You unconsciously wave your hands around for Bill, but upon remembering he's at the boat with Donna you stop searching.

Huh. Donna and Bill. You should probably be worried about that. But this bed is so comfy... can't you just worry about it in a bit?

You shuffle down deeper into the covers, making a cocoon of blissful warmth, and dismiss your suspicions for now.

Anyway, you're sure Rosie's right this time...

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