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Your POV

True to your word and your overpowering Mum Instinct, you've thusfar stayed on Kalokairi for three years solid. You've built a name for yourself as a triple threat: carer for the elusive psychic Sophia on the hill; second mother to little Sophie and sometimes Donna; and grafter, which around here means you're able to do any type of manual labour for however much money that is then put toward your family.

Sure, oftentimes when you don't have a roof to rebuild or a person to look after you find yourself at the docks, standing on the wooden planks of the jetty and watching your bound boat bob up and down on the water... but you won't run off. Even though leaving and exploring and adventuring is what you've wanted to do deep down all along, for the past three years you've managed to bury the burning passion underneath layers of familial love and the knowledge that you are needed here.

Today you've been asked by the curly raven-haired owner of the bar you and your twin frequent the most to repaint the entire building.
Since you made Donna take Sophie with her to take care of Sophia for the day (whom your niece adorably refers to as Great Aunt Sophia - you just grudgingly hope it's not actually true) so you can focus on painting, you don't think your toddler is going to walk into the bar alone trailing a banana along - until she does.

"Auntie Y/N!" Sophie shouts joyously, waving her pudgy hands to you, and at her voice you stop your large paintbrush and shift on the ladder to look down at her smiling brightly.
"Sophie! What are you doing?" you say with surprised concern, looking around for Donna but being interrupted by Sophie replying brightly, "Mommy asked me to go into the market and buy some food for Great Aunt Sophia. I think it was a banana, because I got one, but I can't remember the rest..."

You slap your hand to your forehead, causing you to get white paint splattered onto your face. "Typical Donna," you mutter just loud enough that Big Ears Sophie catches it, "And why would you let your three year old daughter walk across an island to buy stuff all alone? Honestly, I'm so done with you sis; it's like you can only concentrate on one female who needs you at a time," you grumble, referring to Sophia and her namesake at the same time, and walk down the steps to get on ground level with your niece.

She tilts her head how you tilt yours, and asks, "Why are you mad at Mommy? Did she forget to hang up the bathroom towels again? Mommy said that's what you were angry about the other day when we were fixing the hotel rooms."
You sigh, and she sits down on the floor with her legs crossed to watch you. "I'm not mad with Mummy, Sophie - I'm just a bit cross that she let you come here alone. To be honest, I thought that she would think things through more than she did in the years before you were born."

"What do you mean, Auntie? What was Mommy like before I was born?" she asks, and you scratch your cheek in pondering. How can you tell your niece that long ago, your twin was screwing every willing man in sight and not thinking about the consequences? Perhaps not mention anything at all - after all, she might ask if she was planned or another of Donna's carnal adventures, and it might be best if Mommy tells her the truth about that.

You sigh and opt for simply continuing to paint on the ladder. You look to your girl and say, "Before you were born, Sophie, Mummy and I used to travel from England - that's where we're from, us three. And we used to have a lot of adventures. Really, they were... experiences." You stare off into the distance where you catch the shimmer of the sea and feel the intense pull of the ocean again, but push it down and stroke the brush up and down the wall.

"England? Like, in the books they show us in school?" Sophie asks eagerly, and doesn't wait for you to reply in typical Donna fashion and ploughs on saying, "And travelling? That sounds so fun! What kind of stuff did you do? Was there anyone else that came with you?"

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