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Your POV

You sit in the third to front row of your class of 1979. You look around; every student is looking forward, expressions sombre as their eyes are trained on the stage. You look behind; Donna, Rosie and Tanya are sitting on the seats at the very edge of the aisle, waving at you and giving you the thumbs up. You wave a little back, then hear your name from the tight-faced lady onstage and stand to walk up to collect your graduation certificate.

You walk onstage and survey all the bored students and the equally bored families and friends from the back. You collect your certificate from the lady and beam at her, but she just tuts.
You walk offstage with lips pursed in contempt, and a glance at the girls lets you know they are all laughing at your university.

Thankfully, now your past university.

At the end when everybody is meant to throw their hats up in the air, a few including you throw but everybody except you half-heartedly. Donna, Rosie and Tanya clap thunderously at first but then gradually fizzle out as nobody else makes a sound, and they opt instead to when everybody is leaving rush to you and make jokes about this dreadful place.

At least the girls' graduation is going to be much more eventful.


The next day you're sitting near the back of the hall of the girls' graduation, trying to suppress a grin. From your spot you can see Rosie and Tanya, and more importantly see their blue heeled boots below the chairs and their feather boas stuffed down their gown collars, which makes you wriggle your toes in anticipation. You bite your lip to try your best not to give anything away. All the teachers know that you're Donna Sheridan's twin sister, and that Donna Sheridan is an unpredictable force to be reckoned with.

The teacher starts droning on in her faintly Scottish voice, and when you hear the door open behind everyone you can't hold back a giggle. Donna in her gown shushes you then starts to trot down the aisle like she isn't super late.

As she sits down the lady onstage continues,
"This year, that undergraduate, punctual as ever," you smile wryly - if only she knew why - "is Donna Sheridan."
Everybody claps and whoops as your maniacal sister struts onstage and up to the podium looking innocent. She smiles at the row of teachers onstage and you giggle again, causing a couple stuffy-looking parents to look at you pointedly. You bite your lip to stop yourself and smile weakly. You can barely keep it in any longer!

"Thank you, Vice Chancellor, for everything. This place has taught me so much... but most importantly, it's taught me that the best things in life, the very best things... happen unexpectedly. Hit it!"

Someone presses play and music blasts through the speakers. Everybody screams, you the most.

Donna grabs the mic and in an instant is centre stage singing. You want to sing but know you can't, so scream whenever you can.

"Everybody screamed,
When I kissed the teacher,"

"WOOO!!" you yell, and the stuffy parents look satisfyingly shocked.

"And they must have thought they dreamed,
When I kissed the teacher,
All my friends at school,"

"WOOWOO!!" Rosie and Tanya jump up with a flourish and you laugh at their standing ovation.

"They had never seen the teacher blush,"

You laugh louder; she's slowly taking off her gown to reveal...

"She looked like a fool,
Nearly petrified cuz she was taken by surprise,"

Donna always looks amazing in pinstripes and boots, but you are still delighted and surprised at the gold and the feather boa!

You look to your left and see Rosie and Tanya now up with their own mics, and clap like a child at Christmas.

"When I kissed the teacher,
Couldn't quite believe her eyes,
When I kissed the teacher,"

The girls join your sister onstage - and right then, as they join in a line and smile at each other, you feel just a twinge of jealousy before coming back go the present.

"My whole class went wild,"

And just as planned, every single student does the Mexican Wave!

"As I held my breath,
The world stood still but,
Then she just smi-iled!
I was in the Seventh Heaven when I,
Kissed the teacher!"

You clasp your hands and smile in anticipation - her belting solo!

"What a mad day!
Now I see everything in a different light,
What a mad day,
I was up in the air and she taught me,
A lesson of light,"

The teachers look so shocked as the girls kiss their cheeks. You laugh uproariously - imagine this happening at your old uni!

"I was in a trance,
When I kissed the teacher,"

You gasp in delight; they're about to crowd surf!

"Suddenly I took the chance,
When I kissed the teacher,
Leaning over me,"

The girls get put down, and you run with them outside to where all our parked bikes were. Yours is, of course, next to Donna's - hers is neon green whilst yours is light blue, like the ocean - and you all take them out and start to ride to wherever, all the class together and you, the girls and you almost side by side but not quite.

"She was trying to explain the laws,
Of geometry,
And I couldn't help it I just had to,
Kiss the teacher,
What a mad day!
Now I see everything in a different light,
What a mad day,
I was up in the air and she taught me,
A lesson of light!
What a crazy day,
When I kissed the teacher,
All my sense had come away,
When I kissed the teacher,
My whole class went wild,
As I held my breath,
The world stood still but,
Then she just smiled!
I was in the Seventh Heaven when,
I kissed the teacher!"

Donna shouts over the students and you look ahead to see the canal after the grassy verge you're riding to.
As soon as you get there, you all dump your bikes just in time to watch the girls jump on the roof of a canal boat and start to dance and song to the rest of the song. You all laugh and dance along, you laughing loudest of all.

"When I kissed the teacher!
When I kissed the teacher!
When I kissed the teacher!
When I kissed the teacher!"

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