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Your POV

You look back through the boulders at the boat sailing away on the now calm waters. Hmm.
He was actually quite a gentleman, this past night and morning. Perhaps it's just because Donna wasn't there - he had no need to play out his lines.

You shake your head, trying to shake out thoughts of him. Now is not the time to be thinking about boys; you need to find your stuff, and find your sister.

You look up at the now clear skies dotted with fluffy clouds. The storm cleared up before you woke, and now the island looks as good as new.
You start up some stone steps that hopefully lead to the building where you were before - otherwise you've just lost all of your possessions.
Your hair goes into your eyes yet again and you push it away, using a hand to bunch it up behind your head. You huff in frustration: what is it with this hair, so damn unruly? Donna should have a spare hairband, if you should ever find her.

You trip up on the top step, and look forward to see the three buildings. Breaking into a grin, you begin to run throughout each place, each room, until you find your stuff in a slightly soggy heap of bags and jump up and down, pumping a fist in the air. Thank God! Losing your camera is tough enough, but if all your other stuff were gone you couldn't hack it. It's the only tie you have to sanity.

You prop up all your stuff ready to drag it along, deciding to worry about the dampness later when you have proper shelter and a twin back, and shade your eyes in the bright sun to peer around. The only place you can see from this far away is what seems like a marketplace, bustling with people and faint music coming from it.

You look to the run-down buildings, then to the cobbled area. Well, something's better than nothing.


You've dragged two suitcases and two bags across what feels like half the island to get to the marketplace, and finally arrive at the gate, panting and sweating. People walking among the market stalls glance at you oddly as you catch your breath leaning on a wall, and you ignore them and look around to find somewhere to fix yourself up before finding Donna.

Aha! A BnB! You drag your stuff in and ask desperately to use the washroom, and the receptionist looks you up and down with bored eyes and points to a small room with a drooping arm. You thank her profusely and rush in to change into new clothes. Since you have no idea where you're going and the rest of your clothing are still wringing wet, you emerge wearing a white shirt with flowing sleeves and light denim dungarees. You smile down at your perfect outfit, and pack everything else up and stuff a handkerchief in the front pocket of the dungarees. It's something you always do, just in case there's something that needs to be cleaned or soaked up or something. As long as Donna's around, there's normally something that needs to be fixed up.

You come out of the BnB and look around you, smiling at everyone strolling round and chatting with shop owners. They all look so happy.
You stare up at the gorgeous blue sky and the humble cottages crawling up to it.
Maybe this is the place you could be happy in too.

Along with Bill...

You blink. Uhh... what? Okay brain, we understand you've been through a lot this past night, but if you could try and keep it together and not think about a womanizing Swede, that would be great!

You're snapped out of your reverie by a familiar song wafting out the door of what seems to be a little bar:

"Take it easy,
With me please,
Touch me gently,
Like a summer evening breeze,
Take your time,
Make it slow,
Andante, Andante,
Just let the feeling grow..."

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