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As you wait in line at border control from Italy into Switzerland, you plan out your journey in your head: okay, so you've already travelled from Greece to Italy; now you're going to travel through Switzerland and France to visit places you've never been allowed to go throughout the UK; you've been yearning to do this trip for years now, and you're finally able to do it!

You clutch your tree spirit necklace in glee. You're finally free.

After a few hours of wandering around Switzerland, admiring the breathtakingly beautiful fields and the sunny attitude the locals all seem to have, you find a customer service spot in front of a railway station and have a thought whilst perusing tourist destinations:

Why not go to the Rhine Falls, Europe's largest plains waterfall?

With a grin at the knowledge nobody is going to stop you anymore, you pay for a railway ticket to the nearest station there and sit there watching Swiss culture rush past you. You sigh contentedly - finally, after five years, you can find yourself again.


After a couple hours, you step off the train with the small suitcase of belongings you've collected over the years after leaving everything behind, and go to ask the information point person in German where Rhine Falls is. Through those shopping streets, take a winding path, and it should be right in front of you.

You thank her kindly and set off, swinging your suitcase in childlike joy, every so often patting the secret pocket in your waistband you had sewn beforehand in Kalokairi that accommodates all your money and most important things. You made it so that if anything in your hands get stolen, you would still have everything you need to travel.

"Bonjour, Bella," you hear behind you, a mix of French and Italian words which you find odd until you remember that Switzerland has four different official languages - people must get mixed up which language sometimes.

You stop and turn in the direction of the rich velvety voice, and see a tall man with a dark mullet and pasty white skin that contrasts with it. He's walking towards you, almost sauntering, a dreamy smile on his face.

You feel your intuition causing your hand to tighten around your suitcase handle and curl your toes - your gut tells you not to fully trust him. Sure, everyone in Kalokairi is friendly and open and most do call you beautiful a lot of the time, but this man doesn't know you.

"Bonjour, Bella," he repeats as he comes up to you, and adds, "Tu vas à Rhin Falls? Je vais aussi."
So he's going to Rhine Falls too. You're on the same path, so there isn't many ways to not avoid him. You smile tightly and politely and continue walking, and not long after glance across to see him sauntering alongside you. You slowly move your suitcase to the other side of you, away from him, and he just smiles in a dreamy way again.

You walk in silence for a few minutes, him not noticing your tense frame and you pulling your mass of frizzy hair to one side to see him better.
Neither of you say anything, so you do your best to politely ignore him, like any good British person.

After a while the stranger clears his throat and looks at you; you continue walking.
He asks, "D'ou venez vous?" and you don't answer - he just asked you where you're from. When a stranger asks you that, you don't interact with them at all. Absolutely not. No way.

The stranger leaves it after he doesn't get an answer, and you continue walking in pleasant silence.

Finally you see the tops of the trees a few hundred feet away from you, and gleaming so bright in its reflection is the waterfall.
Forgetting the stranger for a second, you halt in your tracks and catch your breath. It's so beautiful: the greenest trees you've ever seen; the rocks the water falls over; the river coming before and after the rocks stretching on for miles. It could stretch til the end of the globe for all you know; it could go on forever, just like you are.

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