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Eventually you walk up the stone steps to the main square, where the vibe has changed from girl power to girl hungry.

Everyone is dancing around two men in the middle of the floor atop a table, Bob and Harry. Harry looks extremely uncomfortable, but Bob... he's certainly enjoying himself, dancing like nobody's watching with nimble feet.
His smile is different than it was when he was watching you - now it's a huge silly grin stretching from cheek to cheek as he spins amongst a bevy of women.

You smirk, enjoying simply watching him, until Sophie gets on the table as well and the two of them run away to the dead of night. You start to run after them, worried for Sophie's current mentality, but are cut short by the girls grabbing you and helping you up onto the table.

"Who is that guy?" you ask the girls, but they just scream in your face, too drunk on alcohol and adrenaline to know or care.

You turn to the place they went and try to launch yourself off the table, but instead you're dragged off and along to where the girls are screaming.
"They're up there!"
"They're crashing the party!"

You look up to the stony walls of the square, and in the shadows you can see guys in animal masks jumping onto the rocky walls, and joining in dancing with the girls.

"People everywhere,
The sounds of expectation hanging in the air,
Giving out a spark,
Across the room your eyes are glowing in the dark!"

" And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end," the boys sing as they swing into the square:
" Masters of the scene,
We've done it all before
And now we're back to get some more,
You know what I mean!"

" Voulez Vous!" everyone begins singing together, and you're swept up in the magic of singing, for the first time since starting the wedding letting go. Sophie has Sky, and Donna - who do you have? Yourself, so let's get this party cracking!

"Take it now or leave it,
Now is all we get,
Nothing promised, no regrets!"

"Voulez Vous!" Bob appears behind you and whirls you around to meet him. You open your mouth to ask him why he went off with your niece, but he swings your arms around with him and you laugh, distracted, and sing anyway.

"Ain't no big decision,
You know what to do,
La question C'est Voulez Vous!"

Out of the corner of your eye you see Sophie run, but you're too caught up in the smell of the whisky and Bob's eyes. Why do you feel like you know him? Why does he act like he knows you? Why is he here?

"Bob!" you shout over the music, and for a split second he looks confused before a light goes off in his head.
"Why are you here?" you ask, and he replies uncertainly, "Sophie invited me!"

"Voulez Vous!
Take it now or leave it,
Now is all we get,
Nothing promised no regrets!

Voulez Vous!"

"But why did she invite you?" you shout, fear mounting, because if Sophie invited him, and she also invited Sam and Harry, and if you can't see Bill...

"Aint no big decision,
You know what to do,
La question C'est Voulez Vous!

Voulez Vous!"

As the music and the singing and the dancing gets louder, you and Bob stand opposite each other, his hands on yours. He looks deep into your eyes, and within that moment you see it.

The sparkle in his eyes, the smell of adventure, the blond hair that's thinned out far too much for someone of his age you think.

It can't be...

But it is.


Bill's POV

Oh God, oh shit, oh no.

It's not like I thought she'd never find out; she's smarter than me, always was - but her face.

She's gobsmacked and angry and upset and speechless all at the same time.

"Y/N?" I venture, and she responds by widening her eyes in a combination of different emotions. I swear shes even beginning to tear up, and I hate that I've put her in this position.

"Y/N... I'm so, so sorry."

She doesn't do anything but scoff a little, startled expression never changing.

I can see out the corner of my eye everyone circling Sophie, my possible daughter, but I can't stop staring at her.

Y/N. The love of my life. There have been many women, I will admit, but there have been none that have captured my heart like her.

She doesn't say anything; instead, her eyes spin through every emotion in the dictionary, until she lands on relief.

We move closer together, practically by instinct, until I can feel the heat of her breath like I always used to: when she was sleeping next to me, when she was whispering in my ear; just before when I broke her heart.

"Voulez Vous!"

And then Sophie faints.

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