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Everything is finally ready.

Everything... except the bride.

You groan and bang your bouquet of flowers on your head. If Sophie doesn't hurry up, she's gonna miss her own bloody wedding!

Ali and Lisa run through the grounds pushing each other and laughing, and you reach out and grab Lisa's arm.
"Why aren't you helping Sophie get ready?!"
"Donna's doing it, Y/N, don't worry."
"Don't worry?! Don't worry?!" you shriek, ready and fully willing to snap someone's head off.

"I did not leave my travels, organise this entire wedding, and bump into my ex, to fucking not worry! Find Sophie and Donna and tell them to hurry up or I'm starting this wedding and marrying Sky my-fucking-self!"

The girls run off sharpish, and to distract yourself in vain you double and triple check everything.
You get to the end of the list before realizing that standing in front of you are the three men that turned this wedding and your mind upside down: Sam, Harry, and Bill Goddamn Anderson.

You put your hands on your hips. "The only way you're going to be at the wedding is if you sit outside and strain to hear the I Do."
"Now, don't you worry, Y/N," Harry stutters, and you have to fight the urge to rip out all his brown curly locks, "we've all got our own plans."
At the same time all three men take deep breaths and, with proud smiles on their faces, say, "Sophie asked me to give her away," then all exchange confused looks.

"But she asked me," says Sam.

"Did she actually say those exact words to you? Cuz she did to me," Bill retorts.

"Well, she didn't actually say it directly to me, but it's very strongly implied," Harry assures the men, with hand gestures to boot.

"Well, you've all known Sophie for two days, whereas me and Donna have known her for all of her life and, more importantly, actually know we're biologically related to her, so if anyone is walking her down the aisle, it's me or Donna. Now stand at the back of the line and pretend you don't exist. Move it!"

Before the men can protest, you forcefully move them to the end of the crowd ready to follow the late Sophie to her late wedding.

You stand right next to the horse that takes Sophie to the base of the church island and clutch your flowers so tightly they almost get crushed.

Today has to work out. Otherwise all your work on the wedding, coming back here, going back to your role as the family doormat, will all be meaningless.

Eventually, Sophie emerges from the hotel holding her mother's hand like she were a schoolgirl again. Before everyone lifts the bride to sit on the horse, she turns to Donna and they share one last look, where Donna tells her not to be frightened in the tightest hug she's ever given.

I know they're both terrified. You are, too.

The procession starts moving toward the church island, the blushing bride riding the horse with a brave smile, the mother of the bride holding in her tears.
You move toward comforting your sister, but you're beaten to it by Sam. And someone else comes up to you.

"Leave them to it," whispers Harry as the two of you stare at the old lovers lost in conversation, "those two need to be alone together."
You both begin to walk up the steps, following the procession, when you spot Bill standing at the bottom steps.

Finding yourself halting, watching him, you ask Harry:
"What do you think I should do about Bill? I know I said I wasn't gonna think about this before the wedding, but I can't stop thinking about him."

He leans in. "If you can't stop thinking about him, you should probably take that as a sign."

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